Chapter 329 Keep Pretending

“How are you getting there now?” asked Daphne.

Lysander: I don’t want my parents to find out that something has happen I to me. They’ll worry.

“So, what do you want to do? How can I help you?”

Lysander lowered her head, preparing to type, but after a moment of thought, she put down the cell. phone.

Then, she pointed at the smartphone that Daphne was holding in her hand.

“You want to use mine?” asked Daphne.

Lysander nodded.

Daphne handed her the cell phone. “All right, you can use it.”

Lysander typed out a message, then flipped the phone around to show it to Daphne.

Daphne furrowed her brows, deep in thought for a moment, before firmly nodding her. “All right, let’s do it this way. However, you have to give me a few days to sort things out.”

a knock on the

her head and asked, “Who is

I’m worried about you. I want to

“It’s that b*tch’s mother. Do you want

some thought, Lysander gave

walked over and

remained in her wheelchair, but Lysanne was

lowered her head, gently wiping her mother’s tears with a tissue. “Mom. It’s okay, don’t cry, Look, Dr. Thorne is

patted Lysanne’s hand. “Yes, it’s good that she

and daughter. “What brings you

hint of appeasement in Lysanne’s gentleness. “My mother has always been concerned about Dr. Thorne, insisting on coming to visit her. Ms. Everhart, please allow my mother to have a few words with Dr. Thorne. We’ll leave as soon as we’re

toward the door and asked, “Josiah, where are

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“Why the sudden change in attitude tow.rd

risked your life to say Lysander this time, I’ll let you off for an hour. However, I’ve learned my lesson now. Your wife and mother-in-law, one has a concussion, and the other is in a wheelchair. If anything happens in the ward, I won’t be able to explain. It’s better if you come in and keep

upset. “Ms. Everhart, you’re a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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