Chapter 330 All Is Dear

Daphne waved her hand in irritation. “All right, fine, she did something decent for once.”

“Can I have a few words with Dr. Thorne?” asked Molly.

Daphne said, “Just say a few words. Don’t disturb Lysander’s rest. The doctor has mentioned she needs to recuperate in peace.”

“All right, you can rest assured.”

Lysanne then gently guided Molly to the front of the kickbed.

Upon seeing Lysander, weak and clad in a hospital gown on the bed. Molly couldn’t hold back her tears. She tightly held Lysander’s hand and said, “My dear, you’ve suffered.”

Lysander glanced at Molly, then shifted her gaze to Lysanne.

the two, positioning himself a slight distance away from

him back


phone that she

mobile phone into his hand. “I’ll have Ms.

Lysander, sniffed, and turned

here, Mom,” replied

with Lysander’s, then held them b firmly. “You two’s names sound similar. It’s like fate’s own design. Lyss, you mustn’t be so willful in t future. You should treat Dr. Thorne as if she were your older sister, treating

nodded. “I understand,

I’ll handle it. We’ll have Josiah’s mother take Lyss as her goddaughter, so from then on, they’ll be like siblings. You should live a good life with Josiah. He really is a good boy. I truly hope to see all of you children living harmoniously and happily in my lifetime. That way, even if your father and I are no longer around, the two of you will still have

immediately withdrew

momentarily stunned.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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