Chapter 348 Disappeared Without A Trace

Lysander: Daphne.

Daphne: What on earth? Dude, why so serious? You usually call me Daph. You’re scaring me like this.

Lysander couldn’t help but introduce herself: It’s Lysander.

It was then that Daphne realized what was going on. Daphne: Ah, you’re using his phone, aren’t you?

Lysander: Exactly.

Daphne: Wait for me. Once I’m there, I’ll get a mobile phone for you.

Lysander chatted with Daphne for a while, primarily inquiring about Delores’ condition.


operati aren’t looking too good. When I came back yesterday, my grandmother was already in the

operating room. Moreover, the doctor didn’t sound optimistic.

Lysander: Wait a moment.

Daphne: What’s the matter?

to the kitchen with her phone in hand.

have Dr. Zablonski of the orthopedic

brows, pondering for

Zablonski, a doctor in his early

I returned to the county, I’ve always been in the obstetrics and gynecology department. I’m not

asked: Can I use your WhatsApp to

“Of course,”

did have Lynn’s WhatsApp. Lysander asked Lynn for Connor

You should ask Mr. Everhart to reach out to

Lysander, I heard from Adrian that

bitter smile, Lysander

really disappeared. The dolice


moment this was mentioned, Lysander felt her heart

h. doesn’t seem to know anything. From what I can tell, it wasn’t an act. He genuinely didn’t


unease. The police couldn’t find him, and everything seemed calm in Guerra Group. Yet, Harry had

wave of confusion

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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