Chapter 349 The Man He Used To Be

Rufus’s frown deepened. “From the ŝutton family?”

“Yeah, Lysander is using his phone now.”

Rufus’ voice deepened a little. “Lysander, could you return to your room? There are some things I’d like to discuss with you.”

Lysander cast a glance at Adrian, who was still in the kitchen cooking scrambled eggs.

He had heard it too, and with a smile, he said, “Go ahead.”

And so, Lysander gave a nod, clutching his phone as she retreated to her own room.

Rufus had always been concerned, and in the end, he asked uneasily, “Is the door properly locked?”

Lysander nodded, swiveling her phone around to show him the tightly shut bedroom door.

on that’s so serious? Adrian isn’t a stranger. We’re pretty close. Why do we need to

glanced at his daughter, letting

“What’s going on, Dad?”

into the camera, saying, “Lysander, I have a rough idea about you and Josiah. I heard he’s gone to Stounia. Could you possibly go find him and ask him where

answer, “It doesn’t matter where he is. Josiah

worried about isn’t whether Josiah would let him go. What I’m worried about is that Josial would never do so! You guys don’t understand. Josiah isn’t the person you

verge of saying

revealed that the situation was a lot more dangerous than it seemed on the surface, and

“If you have something to say, just spit it out. What exactly are you afraid

father passed away quite early. When he took over Guerra Group from his grandmother, the company was rife with factions. Many of the older generation, relying on their seniority, didn’t take him seriously. There were quite a few incidents during that time, but in the end, everything

“Isn’t that a good thing? It just shows how impressive

Dafad I


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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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