Chapter 364 Unwilling To Meet Josiah

Lysander had never attended a wedding on a cruise ship before, so there was also a hint of uneasiness. Should I be wearing evening wear or something on such a grand occasion!

Adrian comforted her by saying, “It’s not some formal business banquet. It’s more like a large party with young people. Everyone is just there to have fun. No one is going to be all uptight about dressing formally. Wear whatever makes you comfortable.”

Those words finally put Lysander at ease.

In her hurried departure, she hadn’t packed many clothes. However, out of respect for the newlyweds, she managed to find a relatively formal outfit from the few she had brought.

She wore a white round–neck t–shirt paired with a long black skirt. The combination of black and white. was always a choice that couldn’t go wrong.

In the morning, when Adrian came to pick her up, he took in her appearance.

She asked. “Is this okay?”

Adrian pointed to his own polo shirt and jeans. “You seem a bit more formal than me.”

At this point, Lysander was completely at ease.

On the road, her phone rang several times. Calls came in from both Josiah and Daphne.

expressed that the doctor Lysander had recommended was incredibly skilled. Delores had already started to improve. Daphne also indicated that she would probably go to Stounia in a few days.

back. I’m not sure when it will arrive. Weren’t you the one who offered to help me

I possibly go back on my word? Rest assured, international shipping

time with Old Mrs. Everhart. When she’s feeling

right, don’t worry. I know what

hanging up the phone, Lysander could already see the pier and the vast

parking the car, Adrian took her to board the

blue eyes, and others with black hair and black eyes. Yet, just as Adrian had said, everyone was dressed quite casually.

lie, right?”

nodded. “Do you know all the guests here

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364 Unwilling To

both the bride and


guess you could say we know each other,

they also study

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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