Chapter 365 Seen You Before

As soon as Adrian walked away, the bearded man who had greeted him immediately hooked an arm around his shoulder. “Why haven’t I seen you

around lately?”

“I returned to my country.

“So, are you planning to stay in Stounia in the future or go back?”

“I’ve been planning to take a break for a while now.”

“Yeah, being a doctor is indeed tough. You should really take a good vacation.”

“That’s right.”

“Was that beautiful girl in the skirt just now your girlfriend?”

The two of them were walking and talking, their voices gradually fading into the distance. The wind was strong by the sea, preventing Lysander from hearing Adrian’s response.

However, she could vaguely see that he had shaken his head in denial.

Buzz! Buzz!

Right then, she returned a few texts on her phone.

answer my

you? Why is there no one

are you safe now? Please let me know if you see this. I’m

there suddenly came a burst of laughter

an exceptionally attractive and intelligent–looking Aplothian woman who was surrounded by a crowd. Everyone around her was

a wedding dress. She simply wore a white veil on her head.

doubt, it was the bride.

a flawless Stounian accent,

girl was tall and cheerful, a truly likable young

seemed she had sensed Lysander’s gaze and looked back at her. However, upon laying eyes on her for the first time, the bride was slightly taken aback, apparently a bit surprised.

nod, a smile gracing her


4522 +1372

1 Coin

1 Pearls

365 Seen

Adrian’s friend, and it was he who brought me

hand cheerfully. “I know. I’ve

you seen ine before?”

painting in the Sutton

surprised. “But that’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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