Chapter 396 You Might As Well Have Slapped Me Directly

“Sometimes I stay here, but usually I have the staff clean it daily. I’ll have them change the sheets and quil for you in a bit. You can stay here for the time being.”

Lysander asked, “What about you?”

Josiah replied. “I live next door.”


Josiah stated. “This is the top floor, offering great privacy. Once the door is closed, it’s your own personal sanctuary, where you’re free to laugh or cry as you please. The soundproofing is excellent too, so you don’t have to worry about me hearing anything from next door.”

Lysander said. “I don’t have money to cover your hotel bill.”

“Lysander, your words hurt more than a direct slap in the face,” he responded.

“Take a good rest. I won’t disturb you during this period. If you need anything, feel free to call the front desk, or you can call me as well.”


“Then, I’m heading next door.”

“All right.”

Josiah left, and Lysander closed the door.

Just as he had said, this was a room at the very top, offering a great deal of privacy. Once the door was closed, it was a world of one’s own.

phone had run out of battery a while

soon as it was charged, several missed calls immediately popped

all hailed from

several unread messages.

the country? Is there an

landed safely? Could you send me a message when you do? I just want to

might have taken a liking to you. After you left, it kept waiting by the door for

a small white dog

expansive living room, the tiny creature seemed even more

Lysander, did my confession make you feel overwhelmed? If so, let’s pretend

+ 620

1 Coin!

1 Pearls

You Might As Well Have Slapped Me

for a girl to live alone. They’re all in great locations, and the landlords seem pretty decent. I took some photos for you to look at. Pick the one you like, and I’ll reserve it for you. That tway, you

my messages bothering your


I won’t be in touch for a while. Take some time to clear your head, spend time with your

the vast ocean, there is still…


going through all these messages, Lysander completely collapsed onto the

her forearm, her mind a chaotic mess.

minutes later, the doorbell

waiter was delivering food. “Mrs. Guerra, this is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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