Chapter 397 With Or Without You

Josiah clearly saw it, yet there was no change in his expression. It was as if he hadn’t seen the messages at all. His gaze directly shifted toward the distant window.

“The wind’s strong in the mountains. Let me close it for you.

As he spoke, he moved across the room and gently closed the window.

Coincidentally, Lysander’s phone rang.

With a light chuckle, Josiah asked her. “Do you need me to step aside?”

Lysander picked up her phone and glanced at it. “That shouldn’t be necessary.”

Josiah gave a slight nod, taking a seat on the couch.

Meanwhile, Lysander simply pressed the speakerphone button.

“Dr. Thorne…”

When Josiah heard the voice, a frown formed on his forehead.

Lysander responded, “Ms. Lysanne, what brings you to call me?”

“I heard you stayed up with Mom all night. You must

anything in response.

“Dr. Thome?”

directly. I don’t have time for your roundabout flattery.”

chuckle. “All right. I’ll get straight to the point,

“Hurry up.”

you. Does this mean you’ll be moving back to the Thorne

the future?”

increasingly agitated. “What exactly are you trying

and you shouldn’t fight with me over Josiah. Let’s


“Do you really





Or Without

think I want to compete with


you say, they’ll agree. But you’re just a medical student. Do you understand how to run a business? Do you know anything about the industry? If you take over the Thorne family’s business, aren’t you afraid

it’s not okay for me, a medical student, but it’s fine for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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