Chapter 417 Some Other Woman

Zane replied. “I can do that, but let me be clear. “Things might not turn our well even if you came.”

Lysander simply said. “I appreciate your help.”

With a sigh. Zane agreed.

Lysander found a nearby café and sat down, waiting and looking up recent property prices in Harborbrook.

After comparing numerous options, she concluded that the designated relocation building had the best location and offered the highest value for money.

Although it required a considerable investment, it was indeed worth it.

Lysander finally grasped the meaning behind Zachary’s words at that moment. Josiah’s name sure does bring


Harborbrook was a radiant metropolis. While the future of housing prices was uncertain, one thing was clear–they wouldn’t decrease. The city’s excellent location and promising development prospects ensured significant potential for appreciation.

Josiah’s decision to relocate the building here was likely not solely due to its proximity to Central Hospital. He must have considered various other factors as well.

In the afternoon around three o’clock, a message from Zane arrived.

He simply shared a location with Lysander.

Upon closer inspection, Lysander recognized the place to be the very same bar where Adrian–had taught her how to play pool last time. Mirage.

Why did Josiah suddenly decide to go there today?

Without a second thought, she immediately hailed a cab and headed in that direction.

Just like Skywatch, Mirage was also exceptionally lively that night.

As soon as she pushed open the door, she was met with a cacophony of noise. Inside, there were at least twenty people, both men and women.

her come in, he subtly gestured for her to proceed

gave a slight nod in gratitude and slowly made her way in the direction he

soon found her target at the pool table at the

their pool cues, anticipating a good show. A young girl dressed in a hoodie and


the same one Zane


3 Jun

Some Other Woman

one in the morning,

dressed in a white hoodie and jeans, her black hair cascading down. Next to Josiah, she appeared exceptionally

pool. His tall stature hovered over her as he spoke to her. Their hands, both resting on the same pool cue, were so

teasing Josiah mischievously when he didn’t make any further advancements. “Josiah, who teaches pool like this? You should hold her hand,

you should be a responsible teacher. Verbally instructing her won’t be enough.”

teach her properly, she’ll find someone else to teach her


up at them and chided playfully. “Even smoking can’t

erupted into

out of school for long. Hearing those guys‘ words, she shyly

fixed his gaze on the pool cue, seemingly focusing on teaching her. He whispered, “Don’t listen to their

face was flushed. “Am I too foolish?”

first day of learning.

you teach me again? I always seem to miss

reason you’re having trouble aiming is because

further. “Oh, is this

a little

girl continued bending down,

for support, his right hand gripping the cue in her hand. “With the cue ball, the colored ball, and the pocket all

a sudden tremor in her hand caused the cue tip to veer off. Consequently, the cue ball that was supposed to hit the target ball deviated from its

were watching/burst into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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