Chapter 418 In What Position

“Why? Did they have a disagreement?” someone asked.

Aiden shot him a glance. “Do you even use the internet?”

“I do.”


u see the news while back?

“What news?

Aiden pursed his lips, waving his hand in annoyance. “Forget it. If you haven’t seen it, then don’t bother. It’s irritating news.”

The guy’s curiosity was piqued, and he turned to ask his buddies what it was about.

However, everyone seemed reluctant to elaborate further, looking away as if it were some taboo subject.

Only one of them covered his mouth with his hand and whispered something into the guy’s ear.

The guy was immediately taken aback. “A dark–skinned kid? Doesn’t that mean Josiah… holy sh*t!”

“Would you keep it down?”

Aiden raised his voice to stop them. “Enough, let’s drop this topic. From now on, keep your mouths shut, got it?”

“Don’t worry, we get it. I see. That’s why Josiah has been out partying these few days. I was wondering why he suddenly changed his lifestyle after being virtuous and abstinent for over twenty years.”

Aiden scoffed, “You don’t know a thing, so just shut up! Josiah’s affair is none of your business-

He was cut off mid–sentence upon catching sight of Lysander standing behind him out of the corner of his eye while shaking his head. His complexion changed dramatically, and he stiffened before turning around. “You… Why are you here?”

Aiden’s voice was loud, and everyone present heard him–including Josiah and the girl who was learning how to play pool.

Josiah’s gaze barely lingered on Lysander before swiftly moving away, as if he didn’t know her at all. He continued tutoring the girl. “Your strike was a bit off earlier. You need to hit the center of the cue ball, like


eight–ball, which then sank precisely into the corner. pocket.

looked at him with eyes full of

pool cue. “Your turn

I’ll try again.”

her second attempt

mark, failing to even

cue ball.


413 in What Position


up considerably and stood up straight, clearing his throat to mask his embarrassment. He then asked Lysander. “Did you come here to play pool or to find someone?”

“I’m here to see Josiah. There’s something I need

Um…” Aiden drew out his words, looking at Josiah, unsure what

of everything that transpired between these two, hoping he wouldn’t get


the exchange between Aiden and Lysander. He didn’t even lift his head

go about


Don’t you want to learn from me?”

attention was instantly drawn back by his gentle tone. “I

voice grew increasingly gentle as he said, “Let’s carry on then. I’ll

wants to talk to you…” the girl said, hesitating.

pointed at the center of the white

at Lysander,

sound of the cue

didn’t want to

she was here asking for a favor/she

said, “Josiah, let’s have

lady… The girl spoke up, but was once again

right, strike with

“Don’t hesitate, hurry.”

do with Lysander, so the others dared not say a word

came over to mediate. “Josiah is busy at the moment. Why don’t you go and take a break

he hastily told the service staff, “Bring this lady a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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