Chapter 444 Did He Just Kiss Your Neck

Josiah waited silently for her to continue.

“The situation hasn’t gotten so bad that we need to

make him disappear.” Lysander analyzed their situation clearly: “The thief broke in to steal and then tried to assault me. Both are undeniable crimes, and he will surely go to jail, but he doesn’t deserve to die.”

She hopped off the bed and walked out.

Josiah grabbed her, frowning. “Where are you going?”

“My phone is in the living room. I need to call the police.”

Seeing that Josiah still didn’t let her go, she added, “You acted in self–defense to protect me. Even if he is dead, it would be considered justifiable. I’m not trying to get you arrested. I’m not that heartless.”

Josiah snorted. “That’s debatable.”

Lysander didn’t want to argue with him right now and said, “Sexual assault is a violent crime. When the police arrive, I’ll explain everything clearly.”

Josiah’s smile vanished completely. “You still won’t listen to me.”

Lysander remained silent, confirming his words.

Josiah said in a low voice, “Lysander, we’ve been married for three years, but it seems you’ve never truly trusted me.”

“Is this really the time to bring that up? The guy outside could still be saved, but if we delay any longer, he might not be.”

“I just feel like I’ve failed,” Josiah said. “You’re very independent and strong–willed, but you’ve built a high. wall around your heart. You don’t come out, and no one can get in. I can’t get in, and neither can Adrian.”

Lysander said nothing.

“You didn’t lie to me about one thing: you don’t need love. Even without love, you can live well. Or rather, you

fall into it. You rationally leave yourself an escape route and withdraw at the first sign of danger, protecting yourself to the fullest extent.”

“Isn’t that right?”

admire you for always being able to make the most rational decisions. You did it when you left me and when you quickly


then fine.” Lysander took a deep breath. “This happened because of me, and I can’t just leave the mess for someone else to clean up. Besides, after such a commotion tonight, it’s hard to hide it from the police. Even if I

the fingerprints in your home, but attempted sexual assault is hard to prove legally. He didn’t actually succeed, and they



tightly wrapped around her. She looked down at the torn her and collar of her nightgown and quietly said, “There is DNA evidence

With his reddened eyes and tightly pressed lips, he

scratch the thief’s face but didn’t succeed. However, his biological evidence is

Josiah’s furious expression. His pupils shrank, his hands clenched into fists. He gritted

was blunt.

to cover her neck but was afraid of wiping away the DNA evidence. She covered her neck with her loose hair and recalled, “He only touched it

out of the bedroom and asked, “Do you have

She hurriedly pushed off the blanket and put on slippers. After chasing him into the living room, she stopped him

he said

swept across the cluttered floor and

bent down to pick it up. Lysander kicked it away, grabbed his sleeve, and stopped him.

rain outside had lessened, and moonlight gradually

stared at the unconscious thief with a look of disdain. “He deserves

preventing him from acting impulsively. “I still prefer the gentle

he smiled sadly and asked, “If I became the gentle person I used to be, would you come


“You won’t.”

he could have shaken Lysander off, but he couldn’t bring himself.

to do it.

time since our separation that you’ve voluntarily hugged me,” he

go as if burned. “I just don’t


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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