Chapter 445 Shot Himself In The Foot

Actually, even if the sliding glass door had been unlocked, with his state of mind at the time, he would have chosen to smash it anyway.

Lysander naturally continued to ask, “Is your hand okay?”

Josiah’s voice softened slightly. “It’s fine.”

His hands appeared broad and dependable, even though they were injured, they didn’t look frightening.

Lysander said seriously, “I’m really grateful for your help.”

The despair of that moment still lingered in her heart.

If Josiah hadn’t shown up, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Josiah didn’t use the excuse of not being able to sleep to brush off Lysander. He sat down on the sofa and told her the truth: “When you went out the past two days, didn’t you notice the mark next to your front door?”

“What kind of mark?”

“A circle with a check mark in the middle.”

Lysander shook her head.

“That’s a mark left by a thief checking out the place.

“What does that mark mean? My house doesn’t have anything valuable, and my daily items are pretty cheap.”

“Female, living alone,” Josiah explained. “When I saw it yesterday, I asked Harry to find out. Harry found out that places marked like this are usually targeted within three days. So tonight, I didn’t dare sleep, worried something might happen to you.

Lysander said nothing.

grown man, their first reaction to a break–in is to pretend to be asleep and unaware, waiting for the thief to leave. This is actually

busy lately that she hadn’t noticed the mark outside her door.

escape. Whether he was overconfident or ignorant, he

go to the hospital too. He’s seriously injured, but you must have some minor injuries too. Get

“I said I’m fine.”

wouldn’t arrive for a


445 Shot Himself

once again

and took the initiative to ask, “If y move in, will Tiffany come


at her with a complicated expression.

danger. With all this commotion here, even you breaking the glass to come

what? Are you trying to persuade me to go back and

clenched his jaw, almost reopening the wound on

Lysander replied calmly. “Actually, just me waiting for the ambulance is enough. The thief has broken ribs. He can’t do

fixed her gaze on Josiah, subtly indicating that it was time for him

angrily, “Do you just want

tell me you were serious about Tiffany this time? The wedding

even set

swallowed the rest of his

outright, but he also didn’t object. He even brought up the topic of the wedding himself. It was as if he had shot himself in the foot.

I owe you a huge favor. If you invite me to your wedding. I’ll definitely come. My income isn’t

time out of sheer frustration, He abruptly stood up, seething with

could say anything else, he stomped out, stepping on the thief without a pause. He

Lysander tightly held the lamp base, ready to strike again if

Josiah’s blows were indeed heavy. The thief

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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