Chapter 449 Short Of Clothes

Observing him, Lysander deduced he wasn’t really intending to flout the law.

She took a glance at the few people outside earlier. Their clothing seemed identical, giving off the impression they were workers.

“Hurry up,” urged Josiah.

Lysander entered her room and found a loose–fitting sports jacket, which she draped over herself like at cloak

Josiah was finally satisfied.

His gaze unintentionally fell upon his blazer she had casually draped over the back of the chair.

Lysander said, “Your clothes are quite expensive, so I didn’t dare to wash them with water. I’ll take them to the dry cleaners this afternoon and return them to you once they’re clean.”

With a stoic expression, Josiah casually replied, “I’ll leave it here with you for now.”

“Are you not going to wear it?”

“Do I look like I’m short of clothes?”

Lysander didn’t argue with him and said, “But it’s taking up space in my house.”

Josiah said, “Then hang it on the balcony.”

“Then it’ll take up space on my drying rack.”

Suddenly, Lysander remembered what the police had told her earlier that day–she could hang men’s clothing on the balcony.

Is that what he meant?

Noticing the realization in her gaze, Josiah didn’t elaborate further and asked, “Where’s your nightgown?”

“I’ve taken it off to discard it. Why?”

*Nothing. I just noticed the recent drastic change in your clothing style. I’ve never seen you wear such a sexy nightgown before.”


“That was just an ordinary nightgown. There are only so many styles for a woman’s nightgown, after all.”

Josiah’s expression darkened even more, and his tone became sarcastic as he jabbed again, “Your pajamas used to be two–piece sets, with long sleeves and long pants. Did you buy it especially for Adrian?”

Lysander was at a loss for words. “I bought this at the supermarket after I returned to the country. The other styles weren’t pure cotton, only this one was, so I bought it. What does it have to do with him? Also, didn’t you say yesterday that both you and he couldn’t come in?”


The Charming Ex–Wife

Chapter 449 Short Of Clothes

really intending to flout the

people outside earlier. Their clothing seemed identical, giving off the impression they


sports jacket, which she draped


was finally


to wash them with water. I’ll take them to the dry cleaners this afternoon and

expression, Josiah casually replied, “I’ll

not going

I look like I’m short of clothes?”

argue with him and said. “But it’s taking

hang it on the

up space on

police had told her earlier that day–she could hang men’s

what he meant?

realization in her gaze, Josiah didn’t

taken it off to discard it.

change in your clothing style. I’ve never seen


so many styles for a woman’s

sarcastic as he jabbed again, “Your pajamas used to be two–piece sets, with long sleeves and long pants.

supermarket after I returned to the country. The other styles weren’t pure cotton, only this one was, so I bought it. What does it have to do with him? Also, didn’t you





from last night do this? Where else are you hurt?

a bruise; it’ll heal on its

gaze, however, kept lingering on

staring at her neck and pulled her jacket higher

something out of his pocket and tossed it

it and took a look.


injured my wrist a while back, and this was

accepted his kindness, albeit reluctantly. “All

her reluctance and glanced in the direction of the door. “They’re all men. Why don’t you stay in your room for a bit?

was naturally well–prepared.

those large items are actually raw materials for the

bit puzzled. “How did you know

yours and mine are of the same size. I had them measure it

made perfect

noticed Lysander’s hesitation and added nonchalantly, “I broke your window last night, so it’s only right that I

time, Lysander nodded and retreated into

quite some time before

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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