Chapter 450 I Want To Hear The Truth

Seemingly wanting to confirm something, he fixed his gaze intensely on Lysander.

Lysander nearly laughed out of frustration. “You’ve been going on about Adrian all day. What on earth has he done to upset you this time?”

The smile on Josiah’s face faded, and he took a step back, putting some distance between them. “Two tigers can’t share one den, yet Aiden has two big brothers. I simply can’t stand him.”

“Oh, so all this fuss was because you were jealous over Aiden?” asked Lysander with a sneer.

Josiah was at a loss for words.

I know you’re surrounded by women, but since when were you into men?” Lysander continued teasing. frowning when she recalled the television series Daphne watched online about two men dating each other.

It wasn’t because she was old–fashioned. She just couldn’t stand watching those shows for personal reasons.

Josiah quickly denied, “What are you talking about? That’s not what it is! Seriously, what have you been learning from Daphne?”

“I’m not interested, but I respect her preferences.”

“I don’t care what she likes. Don’t watch those with her.”

Lysander’s expression softened, and when she spoke again, her tone sounded solemn. “By the way, I saw you at the private restaurant with Lysander and Tiffany.”


“Who do you really fancy? Once you’ve made up your mind, stick to it and don’t give the other one false hope.”

The subject of her words was vague, but Josiah still grasped her meaning and nodded. “Who do you want me to stick to?”

“You’re the one choosing, not me.”

but the final decision

took a deep breath. “I don’t want to pry into your personal affairs. It’s just that I can’t help but sympathize

he heard that. “This is the reason you wanted me

both insist that the past is the that you’re just friends, yet the three



explained this to you. I had absolutely no idea what Lysanne was planning to do, let


23-04 Mon–3:30

450 I Want To Hear The Truth

right, you go ahead.”

stared into the distance. Although she was looking at

So, when the truth came out, I was indeed quite upset. I still remember how I felt at that time.” As time passed, Lysander no longer felt anything when bringing this up again. Not a ripple of emotion was

was a rare clear night, and moonlight filtered through the bars on the security windows, casting a soft glow on the

look at her and Josiah’s shadow, taking

subtle movements. His voice trembled as he confessed, “Regardless, it was indeed

waved her hand dismissively, “It’s okay. I no longer dwell on the past. Living in the

why are you

calmly explained, “I don’t want to see the tragedy that once occurred to me replay on someone else. If you’re marrying Tiffany just to form a business alliance with the Lanister family and not because you truly love her, I hope you’ll think this through carefully. Our marriage was like that too, devoid of love and based solely on convenience. You are already aware

quite concerned about Tiffany, though I don’t recall you two sharing a deep

honestly. “We’ve only met a few times, so it’s not like we’re close friends or anything”

way too nosy.”

she’ll repeat my mistakes.”

on an air of indifference. “It’s too early for you to draw conclusions. What makes you so

gaze and asked, “So, are you serious about Tiffany

made him storm

referred to his reaction as a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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