Chapter 458 Josiah Gave Too Much

“What is this?”


She swiftly grabbed it before they could stop her.

Maverick brushed it off. I’ve said it before, it’s nothing!

As he spoke, he casually folded the paper over and over again, then slipped it into his own pocket.

However, Lysander had read it in time.

“Where did you guys borrow it from?”


“A friend of mine. Maverick said impatiently. “I told you not to interfere with this matter, so just stay out

of it.”

Lysander’s tone turned harsh. “Which friend of yours can casually lend you two million? What did you promise them?”

“I said we’re just friends, and that’s all there is to it! Don’t meddle in adult affairs. Just focus on your work and live your life. I’m the head of this household and what I say goes.”

“Dad, tell me the truth,” Lysander said.

“I’m telling the truth! If you don’t believe me, so be it,” Maverick said, frustration turning into anger. He then turned and headed to his bedroom. “I’m tired, I’m going to bed.”

Laura took her hand, gently persuading in a warm voice, “Your dad’s just like that. Try not to take it to


Lysander was also quite frustrated. “I obviously know what kind of temper my dad has, but two million isn’t a small amount. Mom, you have to tell me.”

Laura gazed at her daughter, caught between the desire to speak and the hesitation to do so,

In the end, Laura quietly led her into the kitchen, shutting the door before she dared to speak. “The man should be trustworthy. He was all suited up, even wore glasses, seemed like an educated person, and more importantly, he’s a friend of Zach. Even if we don’t trust him, we always trust Zach, don’t we?”

Upon hearing this, alarm bells started ringing in Lysander’s heart. “Zachary said it was his friend?”

“Exactly, he’s a credit officer at the bank, specializing in approving loans, and he can offer us a slightly lower interest rate. Don’t worry, we’ve asked around. That young man’s job is specifically to find people to lend money to, earning interest for the bank and getting a commission in return. So, not only is Zach doing us a favor, he’s also helping his friend meet his performance targets. It’s quite a good arrangement.”

“What’s the interest rate?”

“It seems it was ten percent,” Laura said, “The young man was quite nice, he only charged us eight percent.”




went to the bank to inquire. If we were to borrow this much money from the bank, the interest rate would at least be five percent. Borrowing

need to take a close look at that loan agreement.”

on the door. “Dad, could you please open

No one responded.

a look at that contract agreement. If there’s no issue,

there was no response.

seems there’s also an electronic version of the loan agreement. They said it was sent to Mich’s

a trip to her

on the door but received no response. So, she pushed it open.

sat in front of her computer and exclaimed,

“Didn’t you say you were going to sleep?”

scratched her head.

The document was entirely

“I’m helping my senior translate her thesis. I can earn a little

said, “Then why did you hide it from me and your dad…”

I had to translate until late into the night. I was

in proper affairs, which brought Lysander a slight

agreement from

“Ah, okay.”

did as

loan agreement was extensive, spanning over eighty pages in total.

gave up her seat. “Lysander, you

a pang of concern for her daughter. “Take your time, I’ll go make some

headed to the


the door”



Mon, 3

Mon, 3

Josiah Gave

door, “Lysander, is there


“Didn’t I tell you before to limit your interactions with Zachary?

honestly didn’t reach out to Zachary again. He came by himself, said the company had some cookies and he brought some for Mom

Lysander felt an urge

had been dismissed, how could he possibly

knew, Guerra Group had never distributed cookies, no matter the occasion.

would directly give money to his employees. He never bothered with buying things like

would be better to give them cash,

was a bit too straightforward and brash. She wondered if the employees might misinterpret it as the company using its power to bully people, throwing money around without regard.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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