Chapter 459 Dishonorable Since Day One

It wasn’t eight in a thousand. It was eight percent.

Because of the full–width input period added at the end, it looked like an extra zero was included, making it barely distinguishable from a comma separator. It was hard to tell the difference without careful scrutiny, especially since Maverick had over two hundred degrees of presbyopia.

I knew it. How could Zachary possibly be that kind–hearted?

He had essentially dug a pit for her family.

Lysander’s heart had sunk to the lowest point.

Based on this interest rate, the annual interest alone would amount to one hundred and sixty thousand.

However, as she continued to look further, she felt as if all the blood in her body was rushing to her head.

The interest rate stated in the document was not written as “per annum“, but rather, it was indicated as “per month.”

Every month, a whopping interest of a hundred sixty thousand had to be repaid.

How could her family afford it?

If they couldn’t pay back the money, the interest would be compounded with the principal. In no time, the amount would skyrocket to astronomical figures.

Lysander felt a chill run through her entire body as she read.

Luckily, she had returned home that day and had chanced upon that contract.

If her parents continued to hide this form her, it would eventually become a bottomless pit. In the end, Lysander’s parents might be left with no other choice but to jump off a building.

Zachary Powell

Lysander was so infuriated that she felt like skinning him alive..

“Lysander…” Michelle was worried sick. “Are you all right?”

Lysander composed herself and said, “I’m going to the balcony to make a phone call.”

“Is it to Zachary? It’s quite late. He’s probably asleep by now.”

“He had to get up, even if he was asleep!”

Lysander went to the balcony, found Zachary’s number, and dialed it.

The response on the other end came swiftly, foregoing any formalities. The first words out of his mouth were, “Still not back together with Josiah?”

Lysander struggled to keep her voice down, fearing that any loud noise might worry her family. She managed to choke out, “Are you trying to drive us all to our graves?”


459 Dishonorable Since Day One

I gave you a deadline, and you’ve exceeded

you leave my family out

trying to help you out here. Remember when you wanted to negotiate terms with Josiah but couldn’t find a plausible excuse? He wouldn’t see you and you were left helpless. But look at this, the interest rate is so high, so you can’t possibly repay it on your own. This could be a perfect opportunity for you to ask Josiah for a loan. Isn’t that a valid reason to meet

“You’re despicable.”

some time now. If you ever decide to remarry Josiah, don’t forget to

would beg Josiah for

or not is up to

found herself at a loss for

Lysander. With an interest of a hundred sixty thousand a month, that’s… about five thousand a day. I bet your dad’s pension



the other end of the


funds at the moment. She had just recently received over ten million from Howard. Asking for more now would not only be inappropriate,

it perfectly, leaving her with

for quite some time. After


call went

Beep beep-

didn’t pick up.

the call was automatically ended, Lysander let out a long sigh of

no one

I need to ask of you.” Could you please give


Since Day One

nearly half an

like forever, Lysander finally gave

birthday. She was probably still at her future father–in–law’s house,

to pick up Lysander’s call.


vibrated. A

Lysander thought she might have misjudged Josiah. But as she picked up her phone, Adrian’s name glaringly

phone kept ringing.

“Dr. Sutton? What brings

did I interrupt your

slept yet. Is there something

for White Coat seems to still be at your place, and it’s missing one shot. I thought I’d get it done while I’m at

“I’m not home.”

late…” Adrian thought of her peculiar neighbor. “Did you go

gone back to my parents‘ house.”

a sigh of relief. “I

address, and I’ll have an


things to handle, so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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