Chapter 469 Cold Shoulder

“You should go to the hospital for a gastroscopy as soon as possible to confirm your condition. Don’t let it get worse over time.”

Josiah continued speaking on his own. “I’ve heard someone say before that the stomach is also an emotional organ. Sometimes, stomach pain doesn’t necessarily mean illness or improper diet as it could also be due to bad mood.”

“You were surrounded by admirers recently, with your glamorous appearance and a cute little sweetheart who cares about you. It doesn’t seem like you’re in a bad mood at all,” Lysander remarked.

Josiah furrowed his brows. “Dr. Thorne, your words can really sting.”

“Thanks for the compliment. I’ll be even more sharp in the future, so you better not come to me often.”

Josiah clicked his tongue. “You use and discard people, turning your back on them.”

Lysander immediately retorted, “When have I ‘used‘ you? Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Didn’t you use me for Old Mrs. Everhart’s matter?”

Lysander said nothing.

Josiah chuckled. “What do you think I meant by ‘use‘?”


person truly never let himself be at a disadvantage.

He was retaliate no matter what.

Anyway, after you go to the hospital, whatever the doctor says, follow it. Don’t eat what you’re not supposed to. Remember to follow the doctor’s advice.”

Josiah nodded.

Lysander stood up decisively. “Since you’re fine now, I’ll head back. I’ve enrolled in an online management course this afternoon…”

Josiah didn’t try to stop her but inquired, “Do you know about the construction summit happening in Apex City next week?”

back and replied, “Daphne mentioned it. Seems

materials industry will attend. It’s a great opportunity for networking. Also, they’ve invited several industry veterans to give lectures. It’s worth attending.”


if he says it was worth attending, it must be substantial. He patiently explained, “I’ve attended a few before. This summit


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469 Cold Shoulder

it’s worth going to broaden your horizons. At least, there’s no harm in it

and look for videos of past summits to see

about learning, it’s best to make up your mind quickly. The summit

is needed?”

venue, right?” Josiah said, “Actually, it’s not hard to get an invitation. If you really want to go, you can join me.

think I should

Daphne, and with

needs to stay with


and said, “Once I’m done with my current tasks,

next morning, Lysander brought flowers and went to the

her hand and gently knocked on the door of the special care

see Lysander. He was first stunned, then delighted. “Lysa, come

“Is she doing

the hospital bed, Molly was lying unconscious

me for money, and she

“At this stage, it’s best for

it,” he

brought inside, then placed it on the bedside table.

whiff of the fragrance, and a slight smile appeared on her lips.

a pang in her heart, Lysander sat down on the chair beside the hospital bed and chatted with Howard for a while


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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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