Chapter 470 A Resounding Rebuff

Lysander asked, “What’s so urgent?”

Following Josiah’s instructions, Carol explained, “It’s the invitation to next week’s summit. The invitation for Thorne Constructions and Energies has always been sent to Mr. Guerra. This year is the same, so I sent it to you to avoid any delays.”

“Okay, thank you,” Lysander said. “Where did you send it?”

“To the address where you’re currently living”

Lysander hesitated. “But I’m not at home right now, and I won’t be returning soon.”

Garol quickly asked, “Where are you now?”

“Central Hospital.”

Carol breathed a sigh of relief. “No problem, there’s still time to change it. I’ll take care of it now.”

About half an hour later, the summit invitation was delivered to Lysander. She opened it to find a single, elegantly folded card.

The design was indeed tasteful–pristine hard paper with gold–embossed calligraphy in both Ecronese and Stounian.

It was formal and of high quality.

Seeing she clearly wanted to go, Howard encouraged her, “Don’t worry about the hospital. I and the caregivers will take good care of your mom. You have nothing to worry about.”


Howard reassured her, “Your mom and I both believe in you.”

Lysander called home.

Laura said that the house situation was settled, and Michelle was excitedly shopping for her upcoming overseas summer camp. Her father had gone out drinking with his old friends, and she herself was at Camila’s house.

Laura said, “Zach is busy with work, and I have some free time, so I came to accompany her. We’ve been friends for so many years, we should take care of each other.”

Laura didn’t have many friends, and Camila was her best friend.

Lysander didn’t want her mother to become a full–time housewife only revolving around her husband and children.

As one aged, finding close friends became increasingly difficult.

a son with a

with Michelle going abroad and the house situation resolved, he probably wouldn’t cause trouble



ding Rebuff

Lysander could start preparing

advance, then dug out her old suitcase from her time in Stounia and carefully packed

call came

to thank Madam Susan for this time. She’s so kind, gentle, and amiable. I don’t understand how she could

Elisa doing?”

married… I’m really overwhelmed. I want her to be

love. Besides, Grandma Elisa is getting older. Cherish the time she nags you, so you

the implication in Lysander’s

say ‘yes, yes, yes‘ to everything she says to

“You’ve matured.”

“But growing up comes

and Lysander coughed into

Lysander periodically to update her. Hearing her nasal voice,

“Maybe a little.”

due to the drop in

was from that night when the thief

she had worried more about whether he had hurt someone rather

following few days, she consciously drank more

would have guessed that this morning, things suddenly

had a bit of a stuffy

was worried. “Can

chill and got a cold. I’ll still be able

forget to take your medicine,” Daphne reminded her, knowing how important the


470 A

her, “Yes, don’t worry, I’m a doctor myself.

after, she had to eat her words.

on strong, and she started to

her fever spiked, and she had to antipyretic


take an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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