Chapter 478 Not Completely Indifferent.

He leaned in once more, planting a fierce kiss on the side of Lysander’s neck.

She struggled as if she had been burned, attempting to kick him away with her leg. However, her strength was insufficient, and instead, allowed him the chance to lift half of the blanket off her.

He used his own body to replace the blanket, covering her.

“Guerra Group just received the final payment for a project. It isn’t much, around fifty to sixty million. I don’t plan on investing in any new projects in the near future, so this money can be allocated flexibly,” he

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Investment companies in Harborbrook probably won’t be investing in Daphne’s family business anytime soon as they nearly defaulted on their bank loans. From an investment company’s perspective, that’s a major red flag.”

Josiah looked down at Lysander, his eyes aflame with an unspoken passion. Even his breath carried a scorching heat.

Only a bedside lamp was lit in the entire room, casting orange light on them and subtly enhancing an air of ambiguity between them.

or your

Lysander’s struggling ceased, disbelief lacing her voice as she asked, “So, this is the condition for help:

With a self–deprecating laugh, Josiah said, “It’s not a condition; it’s my sincerity.”

After a considerable pause, Lysander finally asked, “Can I accept just half of your sincerity?”

She wanted the money, but not the person.

Upon understanding what she meant, Josiah raised an eyebrow at her.

Lysander quickly said, “You just mentioned earlier that I could come to you if I’m short on money.”

“All right,” said Josiah. “But my sincerity goes beyond this. You can refuse me as a person for now, but you have to accept everything else.”

Lysander asked skeptically, “What else is there?”

“My heart.”

When Lysander didn’t respond, Josiah added, “Money and my body, or money and my heart, choose one.”

“First, send the money to Daphne. As for your heart… wait until I return this time. I’ll have Lynn get me at surgical scalpel.”

“Don’t play dumb; you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

His gaze was as scorching and sharp as a blade, so much so that she averted her eyes.


478 Not

“All right.”

why, your heart-”

“I love you.”

taken aback.

lying to you either.”

In the midst of the chaos, the bedside lamp was turned off by a slender, strong

lifted, only to return in a matter

instantly enveloped

giving her a single chance

Somehow, he

taste, but later it turned into

its last shred of freedom in

paused momentarily.

let out a heavy

I don’t love you.”

not speak so definitively

punishment for the

dive into the main event. Instead, he

Lysander was driven to the brink of madness by his hands and lips. Yet, he remained unhurried and calm, as if he was carrying out a serious task while observing her


it was forced, it was actually more like him forcing her to accept his

un in I wander’s evec and anlĝen did Incish finally ler her he finally


Not Completely Indifferent


gently brushed her trembling eyelashes with his fingers, catching the teardrops that lingered at the

darkness. “Actually, you’re not completely indifferent to me


to admit it, turning

seized her chin, forcibly turning her toward him before he

I’ll continue until

this. At first, she couldn’t adapt at all. Josiah

day, they were a long–married couple. Josiah quickly

he had breached her defenses, he

found it impossible to resist the onslaught of thoughts in her mind. Her thoughts were a chaotic mess, akin to a whirlpool of confusion. One moment she felt cold, the next hot, the sensations fluctuating unpredictably. At times, everything seemed crystal clear, only to be swallowed by boundless chaos the next. She felt like a drowning woman clinging

alarm was set for six in the morning.

her phone alarm sounded, Lysander had

it dawn already?

to have a sound sleep the night before, she had drawn the curtains tight so not a shred of light. could penetrate, making it impossible to discern the

you set your alarm


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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