Chapter 479 Are You Hurt

“It hurts!”

He stopped.

Lysander exclaimed, “I need to drink water now! I’m dying of thirst!”

Josialt seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if weighing his options.

Then, he graciously decided to let her off the hook. “I’ll go heat up some water.”

Lysander wasn’t all that knowledgeable in andrology.


Is it really okay to end things so abruptly?

She had assumed she would at least have to wait until this round was over, yet he left just like that?

Josiah picked up the bathrobe she had worn the previous day from the floor and draped it over himself, then turned on the light.

The water had already been poured into the kettle the night before, so it was ready for use. He simply plugged it in, then walked over to draw the curtains.

The sunlight streamed in suddenly, causing Lysander’s eyes to sting painfully. She closed her eyes and turned her head away.

Josiah was not quite accustomed to the sudden brightness either. He squinted slightly as he walked over, reaching out to lift her blanket.

At that moment, Lysander couldn’t care less about her eyes. She quickly held the blanket down and asked, “What else do you plan on doing?”

“Didn’t you just say it hurts? Let me check if it’s injured.”

“No need!”

Josiah said, “I’ve seen it so many times already, so what’s there to be afraid of?”

“If you’ve grown tired of seeing mine then go find someone new!”

“Someone else isn’t hurting, and even if they are, it wasn’t my doing. What am I supposed to look at? Besides, I’ve never seen anyone else’s.”

Lysander still clung tightly to the blanket. “I don’t believe that you haven’t done it with Lysanne before.”

“She was pregnant at that time. Do you really think I’m a monster?”

“Well, I’m still sick!”

“Aren’t I treating you? Look, your fever has already subsided.”

Chapter 479 Are You Hurt

And your symptoms have lessened. Can you honestly say I’m

twisting facts.”

I call judging by

saying is, if Lysanne wasn’t pregnant, you’d still sleep with her, is that

a desperate,

loved for so many years was right in front of you,

desires, I wouldn’t have waited all these years,

still didn’t believe it. “If you’re so virtuous and self–disciplined, why didn’t I see

and replied. “I did plan

“But then, what?”

time it’ll take to shower,

he didn’t want to

was simply

to bed last night, but

was still in the wardrobe. All she could

her body felt as if it had been electrocuted. The intense pain. was so overwhelming that she

the bed was right next to her. She didn’t end up in an embarrassing heap on the floor but instead plopped back onto

seeing the situation, Josiah slowly made his way over. “Do you need my

in the distance. “Could you

be bothered to


ground and handed it

didn’t accept the article of clothing.

want to wear it that’s fine



before draping it on herself. Then, she quickly darted off into the bathroom with

with a bathtub. After some


on the road later. Taking a bath will at least help soothe my aching body.

Knock, knock.

was a

in her slightly hoarse voice, she asked, “What else do you

bathtub,” said Josiah, a smirk playing on his lips. He added, seemingly just to anger her. “And don’t forget your responsibilities. You’re

really wanted to fling the door open, turn on the shower, and drench the jerk, going down together in a blaze of glory. However, she was so worn out, her back and waist aching so much that she didn’t even have the strength to lift her

of footsteps outside the bathroom faded away,

Josiah had

guard down, sinking into the warm water in the most comfortable position she could manage at the moment. After finally washing away the fatigue from her body,

person calling this time

at Josiah, Lysander took a deep breath and politely picked

did you… just wake up? Tiffany’s voice held

“Is there something you need?”

was a hit this morning, so it’s almost all gone. If you’re coming. I’ll set aside a bowl

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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