Chapter 519 Three Days Late

The server took a few small packages from the bottom tier of her trolley and handed them to her.

Lysander realized they were sanitary pads from the brand she had always used.

The products were fresh and soft, suitable for both day and night use.

“Mr. Guerra mentioned that you might need these in the next few days, so he asked me to bring them over,” the server said.

Suddenly, Lysander recalled the conversation she had with Tiffany about buying sanitary pads in the car that day. He…

“Ms. Thome, feel free to let me know if you need anything else. I’ll make sure it’s taken care of promptly.”

Lysander took the pads over and said, “Thank you. That should be it.”

“All right. I’ll take my leave now. I’ll return shortly to collect the dishes.

“Hold on,” Lysander called out to the server. “Does your hotel sell lollipops?

The waitress was visibly baffled. “Lollipops? Do you need them? I’ll contact someone right away to buy them for you.”

“No need. I was just asking if they sell it in the hotel.”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Thorne, but we don’t sell lollipops in the hotel.”

Lysander thought. Where did that lollipop that Josiah brought back yesterday come from?

“Ms. Thorne, would you like some ginger tea? Although Mr. Guerra didn’t specify, it’s common knowledge that girls can find comfort in sipping some ginger tea during their menstruation period.”

“What’s the date today?”

the eighteenth.

few days before my period started each time, I would experience a distinct feeling of heaviness and bloating in my lower abdomen. However, this time it has been

mind, causing her complexion

situation, the server quickly asked, “Ms. Thorne, what’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell. again? I’ll go inform Mr. Guerra

breath before asking, “Is there a

the latter was about to do, replied, “The bus down the

Three Days

“All right. Arrange a car for me.

right, okay, I’m on it. But Ms. Thorne, are you sure you don’t want to inform Mr. Guerra? He’s made it clear that we’re to report to him


to the room and unwrapped another lollipop,

her of her period. Otherwise, she would’ve forgotten all about

hands, which were folding the clothes, involuntarily shuddered, causing the garment she had just picked up to fall to the ground. She quickly picked it up, shook

stages of collaboration. Why would you suddenly announce the cancellation of

cradled Aurora in his arms, giving her water to drink while he spoke. “The earlier announcement of our engagement was merely a temporary

word. I’m just asking out of curiosity. What exactly happened that made you decide to announce this matter

softly asked, “Have you met Tiffany, Mr.

I appreciate how you’ve constantly looked after Tiff in Apex City, Mr. Guerra. She’s young and naive, often speaking without considering the

full control of the company. Even though you dote on Ms. Lanister greatly, there’s no need to

moment before asking, “Mr.

boyfriend, Mr. Lanister? Announcing the dissolution of the engagement as soon as

paused before cautiously adding, “If you don’t mind me asking, have

up, his gaze slightly frosty. “What are you trying to ask, Mr.

dare to entertain such thoughts. But now that you and Ms. Lysanne have clearly separated, there’s no longer a woman by your side. Not to brag, although Tiff may not be a nation’s beauty, she’s at

even looking up, Josiah said, “Mr. Lanister, you’re quite ambitious, aren’t you? Not only do you aspire to be my business partner but also


519 Three

We’ve spoiled her too much, and at her age, she’s still far too naive. I’ve mentioned this to you before, but I’m genuinely concerned that she might be deceived by some despicable boys. Instead of that, it would be better if she could be with you. That way,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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