Chapter 520 The Unexplained Vomiting

Lysander’s internal body clock was remarkably accurate, so she should have woken up around this time.

Josiah, carrying the child, headed over to Lysander’s room. The door was wide open, revealing only the cleaner busily at work within. Not only was Lysander nowhere to be found, even her luggage had mysteriously disappeared.

Immediately, Josiah adopted a serious expression and asked, “Where did the previous guest who lived here go?”

Before the cleaner arrived, she had been instructed by the front desk. So, when asked, she truthfully answered, “Ms. Thorne has already checked out.”

Josiah’s expression tensed up as he pressed on. “Did she mention where she was going?”

Lysander rarely acted without informing others. Fearing that she might have encountered an unexpected situation, his heart tensed up with worry.

When the cleaner noticed his expression turn gloomy in an instant, she quickly added, “Ms. Thorne had the front desk call a taxi. She said she’s going to the hospital to visit her sister.”

Upon receiving the answer, Josiah felt a slight relief.

Ever since she returned from the capital, she had been constantly worried about Michelle. Furthermore, it had been a while since she had last seen her parents. Therefore, it was only right that she went to visit them at the hospital.

“When did Ms. Thorne leave?” he asked again.

The cleaner could only vaguely recall it. “Probably about half an hour ago.”

A half–hour drive was all it took for Lysander to distance herself from the hotel and reach the suburbs. By this time, even if Josiah wanted to pursue her, it would be already too late. Moreover, once off the mountain, the roads spread in all directions, so he had no idea which one she would choose.

Right away, Josiah gave her a call.


Following that tone, there was only the robotic voice message of an unanswered call.

Although Lysander didn’t answer the phone, Josiah understood her temperament well.

He knew that she was either too busy to check her phone or intentionally ignoring his calls. Regardless of the situation, he realized that persisting in calling her would be pointless.

he always felt a certain

grappling with the news of her departure without a goodbye, never to return. Eventually, his thoughts even


Chapter 520 The Unexplained.Vomiting

simply because she didn’t want to see him. However, he never expected that

felt a chill seeping from head to toe,

up for no apparent reason

manager, instructing him to find a few stall

either. Instead, he was incessantly


didn’t answer, he’d


as if these three people had a mutual agreement of some sort. Not one of them was

until Josiah drove into the city that Daphne finally returned a call. Without a second thought, he picked

dissatisfaction, immediately echoed in Josiah’s cars. “Has Ms. Lionhart returned from her

“Not yet.

you call me,

time to argue with her about her attitude,

taken aback when she heard that. “No, she

pressed on, “Did

It did

me so many times just to find Lysander?


didn’t know where Lysander was, he naturally saw no

mind in turmoil, he sped up his car. Upon arriving at Central Hospital without any mishaps, he headed straight for

had lost his way.

Dr. Thorne,”

“Dr. Thorne? We don’t have a Dr. Thorne here. There’s


23:52 Sun, 9 Jun

The Unexplained

for Lysander Thorne. She used to work here,” Josiah

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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