Chapter 522 Accompany You

Every word from Lysander was like a small but incredibly sharp blade.

The blades, soaked in saltwater and laced with poison, directly cut into his heart.

Josiah would never dare to bring up that matter ordinarily. Every time he remembered her, aided by Daphne, standing frail and alone in the biting cold at the entrance of Central Hospital, clutching a bundle of bright red wrapped in tissues, he would feel as though a massive stone was pressing against his heart.

He could barely catch his breath.

In the past, every time he awoke from a nightmare, it was Lysander’s resolute and indifferent gaze greeted him. She would hand him that object, declaring it to be his birthday gift.


Nowadays, whenever he closed his eyes, all that echoed in his mind was the image of her standing alone in the cramped bathroom stall. On the one hand, she was determined to cut ties with the past, while on the other, she held onto a sliver of hope, constantly glancing at the bathroom door, anticipating it to burst

open at any moment.

She was very rational, but be that as it may, she was ultimately human, and humans were bound to have emotions.

Obviously, she’d wonder what Josiah was doing during those four hours when she was torn between her rationality and emotion, questioning why he didn’t arrive sooner.

Lysander was right in that she had given Josiah more than just one opportunity.

Yet, time and again, she was met with disappointment that left her heart cold. Finally, in the confines of that cramped restroom, she swallowed a pill, and with it, her heart seemed to die, too.

Lysander suddenly chuckled. “Do you know, Josiah, seeing you in such pain eases some of the agony own heart.”

Josiah had been hanging his head low, and when he finally spoke, his voice was so hoarse it was almost inaudible. “I don’t know what to say right now. It seems like no words can make up for the pain you’ve endured in the past.”

“That concept is, in itself, a false proposition. No matter how much you try to make up for it, the pain experienced in the past is undeniable. Every minute, every second of it was real and existed. It won’t simply disappear because you try to make up for it afterward.”

“I understand.”

professional gynecologist, and I never used to make such. basic mistakes. It’s because the matter of the child is an unhealable wound for both of us, one that would last a lifetime.


his hand, then took a deep breath. “Sorry, I was only thinking about how both families could assist Daphne. I completely forgot she was carrying




Chapter 522 Accompany You.

reconcile with it. Life is a constant process of letting go. Different people come into your life, accompany you for a while, and then

want to accompany

Lysander didn’t reply.

realize I’m not worthy, and I know there’s no way I can ever make up for everything, but Lysander, I want to be with you for the rest of our lives. Whether we remarry or not doesn’t matter anymore. If you’re okay with it, that’s great. If not, that’s fine too. We can just keep things as they are. I’ll be

if I were to

“You won’t.”

coldly, “How do you know I

into the pitfall that is Zachary. As such, you’ll

Lysander remained silent.

as they are. I wasn’t willing to accept it then. I wanted to marry you again and have children with you. However, now, I don’t ask for anything anymore. If you say it’s like this, then it’s like this.

turned her head to

of the hospital, there was never a shortage of

An ordinary daughter was kneeling incessantly at the hospital entrance,

needed to find relief from pain,

Lysander said, “Next month, come with me to the Dawnbreak

nodded. “All right. Is there anything I need to

need. Just lighting a candle for her will be

“All right.”

as both individuals needed time

an indeterminate amount of time had passed, Josiah

asked, “Where are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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