Chapter 521 I Dreamt Of A Scene Like This

At last, Lynn managed to grasp the essence of their drama. She handed the report to Josiah, saying, “Here, take a look for yoursell. Only when the HCG level is above five is there a possibility of pregnancy. According to Dr. Thorne’s numbers, there’s simply no chance of her being pregnant. If you still refuse to believe it, then there’s nothing I can do.”

Josiah took the inspection report, glanced at it, and casually set it aside.

“I did the math on my way here. It has been eight days since we last had sex. Can one find out if they’re pregnant within eight days?”

Lynn nodded. “It can be done in just seven days. What are you implying? Are you doubting the authenticity of this report?”

“Lynn, you were once her assistant. You were the one who helped her with the abortion last time, and to this day, there are no hospital records of Lysander ever having an abortion.”

Lynn instantly got frustrated. “Who do you think is to blame for her abortion? How dare you even speak about it? Also, falsifying medical reports is a breach of professional ethics, and I don’t plan on losing my job.”

Josiah’s attitude softened considerably immediately after that. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to question your professional integrity. I just… I just…”

Lysander stood up, clearly agitated as she said, “That’s enough, Josiah. Lynn is still at work. Let’s go, we shouldn’t disturb her.”

Josiah was speaking when, out of the blue, he took Lysander’s hand.

Startled, Lysander asked, “What are you doing?”

Josiah spoke carnestly, “Lysander, knowing your temperament, I’m sure you’d first lull me into a false sense of security, and then seize an opportunity to terminate the pregnancy when I’m not looking. I won’t make the same mistake twice.”

His voice wasn’t loud, but it was incredibly firm. If one listened closely, one could even detect a hint of


Lysander stood still, earnestly explaining. “But I really am not pregnant this time.”

“I’m sorry, Lysander, but I just don’t trust you right now.”

Lynn timely interjected from the side, “How about we do another check right in front of you right now?”

Josiah decisively rejected the idea. “Let’s switch to a different hospital.”

It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the medical skills of Central Hospital, but rather, everyone in the obstetrics. and gynecology department was well acquainted with Lysander. If she wanted to deceive him on her own turf, there were plenty of people who would aid her in her deception.

Upon realizing his words were falling on deaf ears, Lysander couldn’t help but feel a spark of irritation. “Can you stop being so unreasonable? I had no idea you were coming, so how could I have possibly prepared a fake report in advance?



his gaze to avoid hers. He didn’t dare to let her know that he was actually afraid of repeating past mistakes. “Some wounds, once inflicted, hurt enough. If it happens again, I truly won’t be able to

enough for Lysander to hear. A sharp pang of pain resonated in her heart, reminding her of the

the person in this world

the two of them on the verge of a standoff in the office, Lynn, with a troubled look on her face, stepped forward to mediate. “This is the obstetrics and gynecology department. The wards next door are

you all trouble,”

he swept Lysander

instinctively reached out, her hands finding their way to his shoulder

Just then, a

leading her all

being set down, Lysander’s first reaction was to clarify things with him. “Could you at least let me finish speaking? If I were really pregnant and didn’t plan on keeping the child, would I still be in Lynn’s office? The process of medical abortion takes a long time. Even after taking the pill, it would take at least ant hour or two to take effect. You came so quickly,

about that matter

deep–seated fears gained the upper hand. He opened the car

were gentle,

So, he took off his own jacket, folded it to about the size

leaving Lysander with no room to

in her chair with a helpless sigh. “Is this

voice cool as he said, “If you want me to believe you, perhaps you should try visiting a few more

changing it. Even

She gave in and said, “Fine, if you want to switch, then we’ll switch. It’s just


5211 Dreamt Of

of drawing blood, Josiah’s hand, which was about to close the car

a urine test? Why do they need to draw

time frame is too short, so drawing blood would be more precise.”


silently started the car and followed the GPS to East


gynecology department there was not as busy as the one in

had anticipated this outcome early on, so she sat calmly

were identical to the one he was currently holding. He studied them for a long while, still unwilling to accept the reality. With a furrowed brow, he asked the doctor, “Are these

the doctor responded, slightly irritated as he assumed he was being questioned

his expression turning even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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