Chapter 576 Someone Behind The Scenes.

Fearing she would get impatient and drive him away, Josiah swiftly changed the topic, focusing on business matters instead. “The project has also been advertised on the tendering website, but since it’s related to construction, the company that will ultimately win the competitive tendering is likely to be one we’ve worked with before. Thorne Constructions and Energies still has a chance. Give it a try and don’t lose heart.”

“All right, sure.”

Lysander was fully engrossed in her work, while Josiah stood behind her, arms crossed, keeping her company.

Whenever he noticed an issue with the plan she was drafting on her screen, he would offer a suggestion. Other than that, he mostly kept silent to avoid disturbing her.

Unbeknownst to them, it had already gotten late at night.

Josiah voluntarily returned next door. Before leaving, he said, “I’m going to sleep next door tonight. You should rest well.”

Lysander neither agreed nor disagreed with it. She simply said. “Thank you.”

The following morning. Lysander woke up bright and early. Her complexion was decent enough, so she didn’t waste any more time primping. After changing her clothes, she showed up in the conference room half an hour ahead of schedule.

Today’s regular meeting was somewhat different from the one on Monday. It wasn’t necessary for the entire executive team to be present. Mostly, it was the upper and middle management from various departments who made an appearance.

Among those who had helped Lysander smooth things over, the shareholders only received dividends and did not participate in the daily management of the company. They were just among those non- participating members. Therefore, the battle today would only be more challenging than yesterday’s.

Even so, Lysander remained composed, seizing every precious moment as she sat at her desk, continuing to familiarize herself with the proposal on her computer.

The conference room gradually filled with people.

Most people, upon seeing Lysander arrive so early, paused to give her a glance before taking their seats. They didn’t even offer her a greeting.

Even though Lysander noticed that, she chose to act as if she hadn’t.

This was not the time to nitpick over such matters.

The meeting was scheduled for nine in the morning. At ten minutes to eight, Rowan arrived. There was a hint of hostility in his approach as he greeted Lysander, “You’re quite early today, Ms. Thorne.”

you.” Lysander replied, deliberately ignoring his sarcastic

how is your proposal coming along? We’re concerned

else was eagerly waiting to watch the scenario

could produce anything worthwhile in just

Lysander handed over the flash drive and instructed,

moment, but still subconsciously followed

quickly Lysander had adapted to the role of a CEO, said bluntly, “Ms. Thorne, you’re but a young lady. There’s no need for you to act tough. With your status, you could simply find

jokingly, “You’ve probably never taken care of a child, Mr. Cobb, Trust me, it’s not necessarily easier

aback for a moment. His expression turned somewhat somber as he said, “I was saying that for your own good.”

appreciated, Mr. Cobb. Now, let’s

coldly as they anticipated the blunder she would make with

a change in expression, Lysander calmly stepped onto the

on until the wee hours, to the point where she could articulate every detail even without looking at it. She also mentioned a few errors

a company are crucial. Since there’s a certificate,

showed considerable tact by not specifying which

this was confirmed with the management department. The company conducts qualifications certification every year. This is common knowledge to everyone.”

the relevant pages?” Lysander asked

a leisurely pace in the company, couldn’t stand being interrogated by Lysander, who had showed up all of a sudden. Irritably, he responded, “Right now, providing

not to waste any more words on the

following discussion was on staff

had already begun to circulate among

perused Lysander’s proposal, the deeper his frown became. He looked like

asked quietly, “Don’t you think the style of this proposal seems

familiar, even her style reminds me of Mr. Guerra’s approach. We’ve been under his thumb for so long, and we finally got some breathing room when he stepped back. How is it that we now have another obstacle in our way?” Rowan said

possibly be associated with

Mr. Guerra wouldn’t need to go through all this trouble if he wanted to take over Thorne Constructions and

have a few personnel changes to

the project team, did the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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