Chapter 575 He Drank The Soup She Left Behind

Josiah didn’t mince words with her either. “All right; as an exchange for teaching you, let’s have our late- night snack first.”

This condition was rather unique.

Lysander took the thermal jar and opened it. Immediately, she was greeted by the enticing aroma of chicken soup. To her surprise, it contained a bowl of creamy chicken noodle soup.

“You go ahead and speak. I’ll eat after I’ve heard you out.”

Josiah slightly lifted his chin and said, “You can eat while you listen.”

Lysander delicately placed the bowl, which was wrapped in a heat–protective layer, onto the writing desk. Then, she took out the cutlery and tasted a mouthful.

After consuming the creamy chicken noodle soup, her previously tense stomach had significantly relaxed.

The desk. cluttered with a computer and numerous files, was far from spacious. A large pile of documents were stacked on the side. Seeing that Lysander had already sorted them out, Josiah reached out to tidy them up, saying. “We need to tackle things one step at a time. I believe your immediate priority should be resolving the issue with the competitive tendering”

Lysander stared at the noodles in her bowl as she expressed her worries. “Right now, Thorne Constructions and Energies is barely maintaining a balance. The projects we’re undertaking hardly come from new clients. If this continues, once Howard’s reputation is exhausted and the old clients back out, things will undoubtedly become very difficult. Today, Mr. Cobb and the marketing department were certainly trying to intimidate me with their coordinated performance. The harsh truths they stated were hard to swallow. They are the only ones that know the problems at hand, yet none of them were willing to make changes. As such, I don’t hold much hope for the competitive tendering.”

Josiah only highlighted the most crucial part, saying. “They were also saying one thing and doing another when I took over Thorne Constructions and Energies‘ affairs.”

Initially, Lysander thought he hadn’t noticed, so she asked, “So, it’s not that you’re too busy juggling both sides, but you’re deliberately letting them be. Why is that?”

“The corporate environment is unlike what you’ve experienced in the hospital before. Their interests are not as aligned as they appear to be. The best strategy is to let them keep each other in check,” Josiah said in a casual tone.

In a flash, Lysander realized something. “It was you who created the cutthroat competition within the board of directors?”

“If you’re content with the status quo, you could let them be. Competition breeds motivation, so they’ll find a way to prepare their proposals. When the time comes, all you need to do is review the proposals submitted by both parties, take the best of each, and reassemble them,” Josiah admitted.

it to


After discussing with


refacured on the stentamia plan then mould need for the

once made significant contributions to the company, are all full–time staff. They have grown accustomed

of the entire company tends to be on the older

to them until their retirement. However, the majority of the work still relied on promoting new hires whose

executives of Thorne Constructions and Energies

you for fear of getting on your bad side, yet they have no issues taking shots at me.”

understand this shows that the previous files were not read in

and once again picked

noodle soup and asked,

data related to the competitive tendering process. Then, I can adjust the project team members. As for the other details, I can address

of keys on a keyboard, punctuated now and then by

plan provided by the planning department. Along with this, she also organized and labeled the materials

reorganize the team, then have them. prepare the proposal. Making full preparation will not

plan, the previously silent Josiah glanced at the page she was

but managing those who are experts in different areas. Today, I’ve learned another strategy, which is to let them

of tender satisfaction crossed Josiah’s eyes. “Yes, you’re absolutely

ask him if he had any experience in competitive tendering. But before she could voice her question,

when Josiah had taken her

when she saw him leisurely sipping the soup that she had left

over and asked, “Do you have

of late–night snacks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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