
Where is he?

My Master is not in the lounge or the dining room. I don’t find him in his office or any of the usual places.


In this weather?

I finally find him in the stables, currying mud from Oliver. He doesn’t see me as I come in behind him and I halt at the doorway…

Does he want to talk to me?

Oliver blows through his nostrils as the comb circles over neck and flank. Charlie leans across, nuzzling at my Master, then nickers softly, ears flicking forward as I enter.

My Master turns, but as he sees me, displays no pleasure. “Charlotte.” And he returns to grooming Oliver, this time using a brush on the heavy winter coat, clearing dirt and dust from the thick hair.

“Master, I’m sorry. I came to apologise...”

He pauses his movement, then restarts. “Thank you for that, at least…”

“… and to ask if you might like to invite Georgie to dinner this evening?”

He ceases his brushing, sets the brush to one side then turns to face me. Legs astride, arms folded, he’s still not smiling. “And what brought about this change of heart?”

“Michael spoke to me. So did Mom. They said… They said I’m being selfish. And that there’s nothing you could want more than…” I can’t look at him… “Even Richard said…”

I stir a flake of hay across the floor with my foot.

“I don’t know what else to say. I’m sorry. I was wrong. I want to try to put it right.”

And he’s there, his arms around me, pushing me hard back against the plaster, his mouth on my own. His grip on me grows tighter. Setting his face by mine, cheek on cheek, his breath rasps loud. His chest heaves. One hand pins the side of my head, holding me still.

After a long minute, he relaxes, kisses me. “Thank you, Charlotte.” He stands back, palming my cheek, looking me in the face, and my Master is smiling at me again.

stumble out of me, a

my lips. “It’s done. It’s over.” Then he replaces the finger with his lips, brushing over the

at the shoulders, “What shall we have

can’t think of a single thing I want to eat. “I… I don’t

chuckles. “A likely

Georgie like?

she was a little girl, she always liked beans and

about grown-up

his fingers, laughing again, real joy

head. “I’ve no idea,

distant… “Or fabada… That’s the Spanish version. Come on…” He grabs my hand, towing me towards

to the house, he’s muttering to




we having?” It’s Richard, with the air of having followed his

“with some

the contents,

answer to

the south of France on holiday some years ago. Quite a rich dish.

one. Spanish fabada is a bit different… I have most of the ingredients, chorizo, belly pork, and I can get away with black pudding instead of

Richard’s face is glazing…



His gaze sweeps my

with fresh crusty bread, a potato salad,

the kitchen. “Sounds like

it is. Perfect

stands, hands in pockets,

Or a bit lost…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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