Chapter 263 Simon’s Timeline Is for Lincoln

Zayla smiled faintly and withdrew her hand.

“I said to give you a chance instead of remarrying you.”

Simon frowned. “Does it depend on what I would do?”

“Yes.” Zayla nodded.

Simon chuckled, “You are the boss.”

At least it was a good start, and Simon decided to satisfy Zayla.

He would definitely remarry her.

Zayla boarded the plane and headed for Houston together with Simon.

Before the plane took off, she deliberately called Ira in front of Simon.

The mural restoration in Snow Building had been accomplished, and Lincoln’s employment contract would be terminated. Zayla first asked Ira to tell the accountant

to settle the relevant expenses.

Then, Zayla turned the mining right issue over to Ira and told him to contact the

Vaughan family.

Beckley family had collapsed. Therefore, Tyler dared not to act rashly. What had happened to the Beckley family taught him a lesson,

many experts in identifying raw materials. What they needed to do was hire

instructed Ira in front of Simon to show her

tilted his head and

you looking at me?” Zayla hung up the

right. I hadn’t seen

realized the most beautiful Lumia was by my side after so

have the chance to regain “Honey,

at Simon and

“I am sleepy.”

fetch a

Simon’s tenderness and consideration

turned her head and looked out of the

and the

plane flew through the clouds,

remembered what had

wanted to go to the

carried her

was briefly awake and returned to

touched the moon


told me your wish to the shooting star

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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