Chapter 277 Zayla Is with Lincoln Secretly?

“Mr. Vargas, good evening.” Although Lincoln was Simon’s uncle, Theodore’s attitude was completely differént.

“Lincoln, I thought of calling you tomorrow, but you call me now.” “The sales record of Mist Mountain coffee in Britain has reached a record high. Thanks to you,” Lincoln smiled, “You are welcome. This is my pleasure.” Then Lincoln paused for a moment.

“I’m calling to see if my nephew left with Zayla?” Theodore was startled when he heard the question. Theodore knew that the play had to continue, It wasn’t that Theodore didn’t trust Lincoln, the savior, but the fewer people knew about it, the better. “I have a big problem with your nephew. Five years ago, Zayla disowned me as a father for him.”

“Now she’s only been back for half a year, and again. I don’t know what kind of charm Simon has bewitched my daughter.” “Since she chose him, then I disown this daughter!”

hour ago. As for where they went, I don’t know.” Lincoln smiled and said in the same tone, “Well, I saw

But he didn’t ask. He couldn’t ask! If he did,

had been severed, why should he care about his daughter so much? At this moment, Lincoln’s voice came again, “Mr. Vargas, I’m temporarily staying with

read minds and had already guessed what Theodore was thinking. Before Theodore could speak, Lincoln said in a low voice, “I will take care of the ignorant girl that you said.” Afterward, Lincoln and Theodore said goodnight and then hung up the phone. After the call ended,

would help me care for Zayla.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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