Chapter 308 Lost

They raised their imitation guns and aimed at each other! The atmosphere suddenly became tense!

The netizens in the live room seemed to be personally on the scene. They even forgot to send bullet chats.

“I didn’t expect you to come so soon.”

“Sorry, Mr. Nash. I used you.”

“I’m the spy.” Zayla said.

Lincoln looked at her. There was no trace of surprise on his face.

He had already guessed Zayla’s identity from the very beginning of this game.

But he was willing to be used.

After all, in this world, the only person who could take a special place in his heart was the girl in front of him.

“Did you run out of your paintballs?” Lincoln glanced at the opened airdrop box and asked Zayla in a low voice.

“No, I have one paintball.” Zayla responded truthfully. There was no need to hide anything now.

Holding the imitation gun in his hand, Lincoln took a few steps forward and approached her.

“I still have twelve.” He said and smiled.

Zayla said, “One paintball is enough.”

through the leaves and projected a

confronted each other

Zayla’s left wrist and pulled her

don’t need to do anything.” Lincoln whispered in her ear. Zayla heard his

Next second!

turned his imitation gun and aimed at his

a dull sound, the paintball exploded at his

gaze and indulged in his deep

sour in her heart, and her eyes

to another position, the camera arranged by the program team


Zayla’s eyes, he

“I lost.” Lincoln said.

be lenient to

With me, you are

yesterday lingered


loosened her hand. The imitation gun fell

with herself. She couldn’t tell whether she was in a game

tear rolled down her

Lincoln’s voice

can invoke your privilege of victory and choose

the live room

must have

he was willing to be used and formed a group

true love in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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