Chapter 349 8hareholder Meeting

Alanna turned to look at Simon. “Simon, can I use part of the money you gave me to buy a house for my mother and sister? They have nowhere to go now.,I can’t bear it.” Looking at Alanna, Simon couldn’t help feeling that she was so kind and silly that she rendered good for evil.

“It’s your money. You can use it as you like.” With that, Simon headed toward the direction where the Bentley was parked.

“Simon, you are so kind.” Alanna smiled so softly and sweetly. Then, Alanna looked at Norah and Ezra.

She first reassured them and then told them that she had arranged a car to pick them up and would send them to a place to avoid the limelight, Norah and Ezra thanked her repeatedly and praised Alanna for her kindness, saying she was a good daughter and sister. People were grateful to the person helping them in need. “Then I’ll go. Feel free to contact me if there’s anything.” As soon as she finished instructing them, Alanna hurriedly ran toward Simon,

seeing that he was about to leave. Alanna caught up with him and reached out to grab the corner of his clothes. Simon, you will take me with you, right?” Simon looked back, and she hurriedly let go, so cautiously. “I’m going back to the group to deal with business.”

with you?” She asked again in a pitiful tone. “Follow me.” Facing the longing look in her eyes, Simon found it hard to

a ropy old van pulled to

Simon give her money? Why did she send this

stingy and petty!” Ezra and Norah complained in a mutter, but there was nothing they could do. They couldn’t spend the night in the underground

After a while, the van rattled and bumped to the destination. The car door opened, and what greeted the mother and daughter was not a luxurious villa or

to pick us up? Did you take us to the wrong


pick up Alanna before he died. How many times did he call you? Did

you need her, but after you took her away,

shelter you from the wind and rain!” The man shot a dirty look at them, spat on the ground, and dropped a bunch of keys on the floor. Then, he got in the van and rattled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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