Chapter 374 Is She Young and Timid?

With a cane in hand, Marlowe appeared in front of everyone in a suit. As a highly respected figure in upper-class circles, Marlowe came to show his support for Zayla. The representatives present didn’t dare to say anything else. Moreover, Marlowe, who had always been gentle, was furious when he entered the hall. From this, it could be seen how much he protected Zayla! Marlowe walked up step by step and looked at the representative, scolding angrily. People never can choose the family they are born into!”

“If the background really counts in this place, then it would be a competition of pure luck!” “In my opinion, if you like to judge a person from their family background, you may never be able to defeat her in any aspect!” The representative who had just been arrogant and sneaky to Zayla couldn’t say a word now. He quickly lowered his head and repeatedly apologized, “I’m so sorry, Mr. Gladstone. I’m just limited in my ability to express myself, and I was too blunt. In fact, I didn’t mean any harm. I was just…” Marlowe sneered and cut him off bluntly. “No harm? You’re lying to my face! Do you think I am too old to see the truth?”

“I heard you speaking with your narrow-minded thinking and limited vocabulary to insult a hardworking and diligent girl who has come this far by her ability. You were trying your best to hurt her with your malice!” “Which company are you from? Why did your company send a person who even has problems expressing himself to attend the important election of the president?”

look down on Lydon, the old president, or the entire Houston Chamber of Commerce?” Marlowe’s words put that person in a more difficult situation. Marlowe didn’t give the representative a

understood that Marlowe’s angry attack meant that he was completely on Zayla’s side! Lydon had already walked to Marlowe’s

outside to greet you.” When Lydon’s family was on the verge of bankruptcy in the early years, Marlowe gave Lydon’s family three antiques

be underestimated, and Marlowe was protective of Zayla!

only a 20%

coming, but I worried my Zayla would be bullied. I take her as my granddaughter, and I can’t let her be hurt. After all, she’s young and timid. Look at her… she’s almost in tears!” Mr. Gladstone took Zayla as his granddaughter! Marlowe’s words shocked everyone in the scene. After all,

decades; now, Marlowe suddenly said he treated Zayla

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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