In My Desperate Time

Chapter 124 Don’t flatter yourself.

"Frances Louis, are we going to die in this desert island?"

Perhaps the fever makes me stupid. How could I say such things to Frances Louis?

"No. As soon as the storm stops, the company will surely come and you'll be all right. If you are tired, take a rest. You may have been home when you wake up."

Frances Louis has never talked in such a tender tone to me.

His over tenderness makes me feel unrealistic.

"I don’t want to sleep. My stomach is churning." I say weakly.

Frances Louis says nothing but holds me tighter.

Then, it rains. I hear the rain pour loudly, but there are only few drops on my body.

The cold rain drops on my face, which wakes me up.

I can’t lie in Frances Louis’s arms like this. If Whitney comes back and sees us, I couldn’t explain then.

Quickly I push Frances Louis away. As soon as my hands touch his outfit, it can squeeze out water easily. After pushing him away, the rain seems to get heavier and I am caught unprepared.

didn’t rain heavily


just block the

think too much. I have just come out of the sea

the rain for

purse my lips and

Noyes, I

away. I look through the rain and see him and Whitney return with a

So close!

away. Or how can I explain if Whitney sees me lying in Frances Louis’s arms. That would be

holds a pile of jujubes and

looks at what he has in his hands and says, "Jujubes are difficult

gives me two


had nothing since yesterday

eat, I am

says lightly, not taking Whitney’s

Is he worried that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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