In My Desperate Time

Chapter 125 She Deserves to be Treated Kindly

I open my eyes and see the cruise ship is coming this way.

Everybody stands up and walks toward the shore.

I want to stand up but I feel limp.

"Let me carry you on my back."

Steven Song says and squats down. He carries me on his back.

My eyes involuntarily glance towards Frances Louis, but there seems to be no expression on his face.

The cruise stops at the shore, we get on the boat and go back to the dock quickly.

It is a close call. Fortunately, I didn’t spend a half month on a desert island as I had imagined.

"Let me send you to the hospital."

When we get ashore, Steven Song says to me.

I shake my head.

a fever is not necessary to go to the hospital. Just go home,

you don’t go to the hospital, where are

am stunned on hearing Steven

is here and she will probably go home with Frances Louis. As a secret mistress, of course I should hide away as far as

me and let me take care

Song knows my embarrassment

Whitney laughs.

lot of women hitting on

with a faint smile. He opens the door and puts me into the passenger seat. Then he says to

of Steven Song sticks in my heart like

feel breathless, but I dare not to think

me, but I have no courage to

drives me back to his house. I take some medicine and stay in

am full of

shoes and head for the kitchen, where Steven

feel better?" He senses my

little further to see what porridge he is making, which smells so

with lean and mushrooms. Believe me, I am not Frances Louis, I don’t know

I look at him thankfully

to take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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