In My Desperate Time

Chapter 252 Baby

Piercing pain from the belly awakens me. Baby, where is my baby? Suddenly I put my hand on the belly and find what I touch is a much flatter one than before.

“Baby, where is my baby?” I get up and shout without feeling the pain.

I lie on a simple hospital bed with no one around. I almost break down when I realize that the baby’s fate is still unknown. He values more than my own life. What if he has anything wrong?

“Your baby is here.” Doctor come in and hand me a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. With a sigh of relief, I take the baby from the doctor and weep with joy. Thank goodness, my baby is here. I cuddle the baby tightly. The joy to find the lost baby allows me no time to think where they are and why they don’t take away the baby or do anything else.

After a while, I find something wrong. The baby is so cold. Trembling, I move the baby, only to find that his face is pale, his eyes close tightly, and he has no vital signs.

touch the baby's neck, and it is cold. My heart beats quickly, then I also check the baby’s

blood clotted. Sitting still and

doctor, “Where are they going? Let me see them, I

kill this innocent little baby?! I can’t allow

says. Hearing this, I carry the

him, I just want to do something for my innocent and lovely baby. Losing this baby hurts me

Each step I make, piercing pain I feel. I grit my teeth and run out desperately for fear it’s too late to catch up with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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