In My Desperate Time

Chapter 253: Despair

When I woke up, I found myself on my bed.

Steven is sitting next to me. His countenance is severe.

I regain my consciousness and know very well what happened before I fainted. In my sleep, even my breathing was hurting me. Now I feel that I have nothing left to live for.

“The baby was buried,” Steven said slowly after staring at me for a while.

The word stabbed at my heart so hard.

“You’d better get more rest. You were almost bleeding to death. If I hadn't come in time, you would…”

had been accompanied by you it wouldn’t have happened!” I yelled at him. “You are supposed to be with me

control myself. I think selfishly and stubbornly that maybe it will make me feel better to blame someone. Steven, however, doesn’t

are in confinement after giving birth. Protect your voice and be

baby? Where?” I cried. I am falling into

dropping from her eyes. Then

how badly I scold him. He left after few days.

confinement. Even I managed to take a few mouthfuls, I spit it out at last. After this period finished, I lost

in the mirror. She is skinny, her cheeks sunken, eyes are hollow and her face

holes at the age of twenty-five. I seem ready to be put into the coffin.

Take care of yourself. You know it matters.” Mom passes me a

and said softly, “where’s the baby? I want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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