In My Desperate Time

Chapter 365: He's Shy

Frances is a big shot, so it is normal that the restaurateur knows him.

At least, I think so.

Unexpectedly, the restaurateur slaps the table and says loudly, "I remember you. You are the boy who used to order fried rice and take it away for lunch every day! By the way, were you together at that time? Both of you ordered the fried rice."

His words shock me. I have no idea what he's talking about.

Frances gets uneasy.

There must be something wrong.

Looking at the restaurateur, I ask in bewilderment, "Mister, what are you talking about? When was that?"

The restaurateur got excited, full of beans.

"That was about ten years ago. Didn't you go to secondary school at that time? He seemed to be in high school. For a very long time, he came to order fried rice and take it away in the afternoon. It looks like you don't know about it, which means you were not together at that time. However, this is fate. You are together after so many years. Do you think that I played cupid for you?"

realize that Frances and I are destined to be together. No matter how many times we miss each other,

I suddenly smile.

enters the restaurant, and the restaurateur stops gossiping,

I smile and say, "Well,


lowers his head, starting to eat

a little

anything through the meal, but eagerly eats the food in

eats it

rice here, but he looked restrained last time he

and I saunter back to the

I am happy to walk with him like

takes me all the way to Sabina's ward. She has woken up. She gets hysterical at sight of our

Divorce her now! This woman has ruined our family and my career. How can you stay with her? I don't agree, I

Sabina's words depress me.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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