In My Desperate Time

Chapter 366: Her Frailty

Sabina and Mom leave the hospital on the same day.

The atmosphere is indescribably as we ride in the same car.

It looks like Sabina wishes to devour all three of us alive.

I turn a blind eye to that, chatting happily with Mom along the way.

After driving Mom home, Frances takes Sabina and me back to the Louis'.

Silvia is sitting on the sofa in silence.

She has been in a bad mood these days. Every time she came to the hospital to visit Sabina, she seemed to be in a state of preoccupation. I guess she hasn't recovered from the shock of the accident.

She forces a smile and greets us at sight of us.

she looks at me with disgust and says coldly, "Stop pretending

speaks, she pushes her wheelchair into her

work to do in the company,

are left alone

elegant, and she is also a world-famous pianist. My childhood dream was to become a woman like her when I grew up. However, perhaps I was not born to be like her. I try to wear a dress to bring a feminine touch to myself, but in fact I can't learn to be what I'm

listening to her

confide her depression to someone. Who else will listen

who I put on a pedestal, would actually do such a thing. I don't want to find out what happened back then. When Dad had the accident, I was young, and I almost couldn't remember what he looked like. But I don't understand why Mom chose to give up my dad instead of her career since she loved him so much. But now, she wants to hurt your family in the name of taking

looks at me

Silvia, a seemingly heartless and careless

to her. I pat her on the shoulder and console softly. "There are many things that we can't control in the world. But even so,

never thought that one day I would say such words to others. After all,

I can actually comfort people with

Silvia gets gloomier after I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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