In My Desperate Time

Chapter 537: An Encounter

I really need that five million of the design competition now.

So I call Nicole quickly to ask her how to register and the exact theme of the competition.

She is very happy when she hears that I want to participate in it and tells me all directly.

"The theme is about lovers, the same as the one in France that we have taken part in before, but this time the venue is in the United States and your design work should be based on the American culture. I think you’d better go to the United States and live there for a while."

'Go to America?' I hesitate.

I can't leave Penelope alone. How can I go to the United States?

But if I don't get the prize money, I can’t afford the medical bills of Penelope at all.

I have no choice.

There is still a month from the deadline of the competition and to design a work I must involve myself in the resonant material to get inspiration.

I quickly book a flight ticket to the United States. There is no economy class left, so I buy the first class, which I never do before.

Anyway, what I really need is a ton of money not the price of a plane ticket.

and head to the airport the next

mother and all

I will be away for at least a month,

airport. Unexpectedly, when I arrive at

cap and beneath it are his alert

be exact, he comes looking

you know I


a good eye on you these past few days. Since I’m teaming up with

his tone, I can feel a

has been betrayed by the person whom he trusts and loves the most, so he

the United States to participate in a

competition? Or are you short of money? If you need it, I can help

want him to know too much about me and get him involved in my business. What’s more, I don't want to

Hilda, I wouldn't even have

mind. I just want to participate. You know

his phone suddenly rings. He takes a look at his phone and whispers,

hide his whereabouts, so he

don't want to

I decide to pass through

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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