In My Desperate Time

Chapter 552: God Is Cruel to Me

Right after Penelope disappears, Mom calls the police.

Because it is a disappearance of an infant, she doesn't have to wait for 24 hours to report it.

I also look anxiously at Frank, waiting for his reply.

No matter what the news is, it is better than nothing.

Frank shakes his head and sighs, "No news from the police. They said that they would keep tracking the case. If there's any news, they will call us."

No news.

I slump in my chair, dejected and worried sick. My eyes are empty as I look ahead.

Penelope has been missing for almost 24 hours, and we hear nothing of her.

I don't even know if she is taken away by a child trafficker, or someone with some ulterior motive.

Regardless of who it is, Penelope is in danger now.

Or to put it more negatively, I don't know if she's alive.

What should I do?

What in the world should I do?

cry, but I understand that

there won't be so

don't know how long I sit in the chair. My mind doesn't stop wandering until my mother talks to

be exhausted after the long flight.

nod and go back to

My misery will add to the guilt in her

I can't keep my

How can I sleep?

as I close them, Penelope's cute appearance comes back to

to protect such

myself as

the illness,

where the hell are

the blanket, crying my

this time, I want a warm embrace and

so I can

really don't

I live my

I'm so overwrought, but I can't do anything about


eat or sleep and I run to the police station every day. All I

again and again, leaving

Penelope has become a taboo subject in my family. As

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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