Julian’s Stand-In Wife

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 77

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 77

“Ever since you changed Forget Me Not to Lily, I stopped liking them.” Diana looked hatefully at Julian. “But

when you walked in with roses just now, I didn’t just dislike them. I practically hated them! I hate roses!”

Diana hated the fact that roses represented devotion to someone for a lifetime.

More importantly, Diana hated that Julian was the one who brought the flowers.

“What’s the matter, Mr. Fulcher? Did you make sure Kayla was well attended to before recalling me, who was played by you like a fool? Was that why you eagerly made your way to the hospital to create a beautiful ending to a horrible day?”

the one

Julian knew Diana was implying something else. “Diana, that’s not what I meant. I apologize for what I did to prevent you from getting pregnant. I should’ve told you about it sooner.”

“Stop it!” Diana clenched her jaw and glared furiously at him. “Shut up, Julian!”

want to hear

to recall how she made excuses for Julian

view her when she held his hand and prayed for

probably thought she was dumb and naive enough to think she could have his

trembling uncontrollably. If Vans hadn’t saved

felt so much pain, but she

accept these roses. Kayla might find out and want to hurt me again. Please

stunned. “Why would

wasn’t solely my idea to meet at a coffee shop a week ago. How did that go? 1 became the person who wanted to hurt her. All of you thought I was the trouble–maker. Don’t tell me Kayla had nothing to do

clearly had her phone with her. I even heard her calling out Luke’s name, but she didn’t contact you or the police right away. Instead, she quietly followed us. In fact, she even recorded a video of

eyelashes covered his eyes and concealed his true

has nothing to do with my emotions. I’m only telling the truth,” Diana

was willing to believe this or not, it was his choice. Anyway, she wasn’t going to keep her feelings to herself any longer. It only hurt her and her

the truth mean saying bad things

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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