Julian’s Stand-In Wife

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 78

Julian’s Stand-In Wife By South Wind Dialect Chapter 78

Julian continued to speak in a formal tone. “Diana, you need evidence for such accusations.”

“I can’t be bothered to provide any evidence. I’m sure there are ways for you to investigate further,” Diana replied coldly.


“It’s getting late. Mr. Fulcher, you should hurry and make your way to her. She might get worried and call you again.”

‘What about you?‘

‘Don’t you need someone to accompany you?‘

However, Julian was in no place to ask these questions. If he did, Diana would be in an even worse mood.

There was a strange feeling he couldn’t quite describe in his chest. It felt like something was making it hard for him to breathe. He wanted to get some fresh air outside. “In that case, have a good rest. Luke won’t cause you any trouble in the future.”

“Wait!” Diana suddenly sat upright. She tossed Julian a cream that Vans prescribed for her external wounds, and pretended to unintentionally glance at his hands. “Thanks for dealing with Luke, but I don’t want to owe you anything. You have wounds on your hands. Don’t forget to get them cleaned and apply this cream on the

affected areas.”

intimate couple, but they now spoke about gratitude and not


so, Julian was elated that she was concerned about him. It felt like somebody had wiped away the stuffy

from Diana, nobody else seemed to have noticed that his wounds hadn’t been tended

ask him

seemed to be smiling. He put the cream

worry, Mr. Fulcher. I’ll repay you all the money,” Diana

transferred the thirty thousand

like you’ve already found out I was asking the Winnington family for money,” Diana retorted stubbornly. “However, there are things you cannot control. I

refused to come in between Julian and Kayla. That would only make life difficult

you the money. A clear line needs to be drawn between the

felt helpless as he observed her stubborn attitude. “How am I

tone softened. “I’ll always remember everything

years we’ve been

past, and did her best to hold back her tears. This was the first time she talked about the future in such a serious tone. “All you need to do is

find out about

Now, she was afraid he wouldn’t be able to love the baby like a real father, and

by him, but she wouldn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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