Chapter 8

Seeing how restless their mother looked, Archie and Benny asked deliberately, “Who’s Lucian, Mommy? Why are we hiding from him?”

Roxanne slowly returned to her senses and stroked their heads, smiling as if everything was fine. “He’s no one important. I just have a bit of a personal grudge against him. I want you both to hide if you ever hear his name, okay?”

The two boys nodded. “Okay, Mommy.”

After Roxanne looked away, they glanced at each other curiously.

What could’ve happened between Mommy and Daddy? It all seems like a huge misunderstanding.

As Roxanne continued to ponder over what could be happening on Madilyn’s side, the boys spoke again.

“Mommy, we left in such a rush back there. If that guy becomes suspicious, he might check the surveillance cameras and find us easily,” Archie reminded.

The woman tensed up instantly. “Oh, God. I totally forgot! What do I do?”

I was so focused on running away that I forgot about the cameras! Lucian might already be here.

I can’t stay here. I have to take the kids home right now.

mother reacted made the boys turn away to conceal their smiles, and they only consoled her after they had suppressed the smiles on their

worry, Mommy. I’ll

laptop and began

for him to hack into the restaurant’s surveillance cameras

“I’m done!”

boy glanced up at his mother with twinkling

of relief, Roxanne pulled the two children into an

nervous, the boys let her hold them a

we leaving now, Mommy? Or should we wait for Aunt Madilyn to come outside?” asked Archie

woman gazed at the entrance of the empty parking lot. “Let’s wait a

boys nodded in

the restaurant, failing to force a confession out of

you for helping me find my daughter. Well, then, we’ll be off now. Enjoy your meal with your friends,” he stated

to the little

waved at Madilyn

his brow slightly but said nothing more, leaving with the

building, he tried to carry Estella into the

Cayden hurriedly stepped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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