Chapter 9

Twenty minutes later, the car slowly stopped at the Farwell residence.

Estella did not want anyone to carry her. She quietly got down from the car by climbing down slowly.

Lucian followed right behind and did not utter a word.

The moment the father and daughter stepped into the house, they heard someone calling Estella.

“Essie!” Aubree, who was playing on her phone in the living room, exclaimed when she lifted her head and saw them entering the house.

The moment she saw the child from a distance, she ran toward her and gave her a hug. “Essie, you’re finally home! How could you run away and not tell us? I got the shock of my life when you went missing, do you know that? Are you okay? Are you injured?”

She started inspecting Estella’s body to make sure the latter was all right.

Estella froze for a bit, as she was taken aback by Aubree’s actions.

But the cold look soon returned to the little one’s gaze when Aubree’s voice kept ringing in her ear, expressing her insincere concern.

Does she not know why I ran away? I wouldn’t have run away if she hadn’t told me Daddy wouldn’t care about me anymore.

seeing the hypocrite’s face, Estella

was a world of

despised Aubree’s

struggling and pulled

Let me check if you’re

to avoid her. She tightened her grip on

reacting more aggressively, as she


girl would

the first time she fought

harshly if Lucian were not

there to observe their interaction, she had to be more cautious not to arouse his suspicion. A hard glint flashed across her eyes, and an

looked at Estella in disbelief. “Essie, I know you dislike me. But I’m really worried about you. How could

as she looked at the little one with red-rimmed

Lucian frowned and pulled Estella aside. “Essie, I know you’re not happy, and you can take it out on Daddy. But you can’t vent

admit she was at fault, but at the same time, she felt


his grip, hugged her doll tightly, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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