Chapter 10

The four of them then returned to the mansion.

Roxanne and the two children were so hungry that they gobbled up all the leftovers Madilyn brought from the restaurant.

After dinner, the children went upstairs to take a shower.

Madilyn cast a doubtful look at her best friend. “Why are you running away from him? I don’t get it. I thought you two had a divorce agreement? Why are you so afraid of him? And you didn’t tell me why you divorced him. What exactly happened in the last few years?”

After meeting her gaze, Roxanne lowered her eyes and hesitated for a moment. She decided to roughly tell Madilyn the story.

“Oh, my God! No, you didn’t!”

Never in a million years did Madilyn think Roxanne would drug Lucian and give birth to his children.

So that’s why she ran away when she heard his name!

I’m still worried that he would still hold grudges against me for drugging him. People with an identity like his can easily take revenge against me as long as he wants to. I wouldn’t be afraid of facing the consequences if

flashed a self-deprecating smile and continued, “Maybe it’s just me overthinking. He might not even give a

brows. “I think he recognized your voice. When he went in just now, he

that. She

did that night. I bet that’s the

best friend was, Madilyn consoled her. “Don’t worry, Roxanne. I’m sure you won’t bump into him so easily since Horington is a big city, and your

hoping luck would be on


and Benny’s

Madilyn immediately stopped their discussion and looked toward the

taken their shower. There was still moisture in their hair, and their fair skin was dewy. The two little ones, who wore

upward, and gazed at them with wide

so adorable! I like you so much! Come, let’s go home

Benny could not utter a

could not help

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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