Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 217

Chapter 217 Teaching The Clintons A Lesson

Oscar’s heart skipped a beat, but instead of doing as instructed, he hugged Amelia even tighter.

“I-I can explain, Amelia. It’s not what you think it is,” Oscar stammered. He had a sneaking suspicion that if he didn’t clear things up with Amelia, their relationship would never be the same again. Worst of all, she might never trust him again.

He had been through so much before he realized his feelings for Amelia. There was no way he was going to let a misunderstanding ruin what he had painstakingly built.

Amelia continued to ignore Oscar and stared at the ground. “Put me down, Mr. Clinton.”

Seeing how stubborn and standoffish she was, Oscar had no choice but to give in to her request.

Olivia glanced at Amelia sheepishly as she tried to find the right words to defuse the situation. “Amelia, this isn’t what you think it is. I’m not trying to hide the truth from you, nor am I deliberately covering up for Stephanie. But she’s still my daughter, and regardless of what she has done, I can’t bear to send her to prison. Now that you’ve found out the truth, I feel just as guilty. Please believe me when I say I’m only doing this for both you and Stephanie. It pains me to see either of you hurt.”

After hearing those words, Amelia felt even more overwhelmed with conflicting emotions.

She knew where Olivia was coming from, but that didn’t make understanding it any less difficult. And she could never accept the fact that Stephanie had single-handedly plotted the accident.

Stephanie’s lips curled with disdain as she said, “Mom, why do you even bother to explain to a nobody like her? So what if I plotted the accident? Guess what, Amelia? Even if you and your son had perished in it, this family would still have done everything in their power to protect me.”

Amelia was so overwhelmed by emotions that she laughed out loud bitterly.

Oscar’s face had taken upon itself an even graver expression as he warned, “Stephanie Clinton, if you so much as to say another word, I’ll make sure you never return to our family.”

Knowing her brother was a man of his word, Stephanie kept quiet.

“Stephanie, it’s true that I can’t do anything to you with the Clintons protecting you,” Amelia remarked as she glowered at Stephanie. “But from on, I’ll no longer treat you as my sister-in-law. No matter what happens to you in the future, I won’t get involved, and neither will I help.”

Stephanie was completely unbothered by Amelia’s threat. However, she had no idea that this would come back and bite her in the future. There would be such a day when she found herself having to beg Amelia for help, and Amelia, true to her words, would turn a deaf ear to Stephanie’s pleas.

Olivia furrowed her brows and tried to coax Amelia, “Don’t be like this, Amelia. You and Stephanie are both my favorites. You two…”

“Mom, it’s not that I don’t want to make peace with Stephanie,” Amelia interrupted with a bitter laugh. “It’s been five years, and I’ve done everything I can to please her. But when has she ever appreciated it? You’ve also witnessed for yourself how she doesn’t give a toss about me. If it had only been me who got injured in the accident, I could still be a saint about it and forgive her. But did she care that I was pregnant? Tony almost lost his life because of her. I can never, ever, forgive her for that.”

Olivia tried to reach out to hold Amelia, only to have Amelia swiftly avoid her.

“Mom, I’m tired. I’m going up to rest,” Amelia said with her eyes downcast.

“Amelia, you—”

“All right, I’ll be going now.”

had seen and

friend, Tiffany returned her gaze with an equally

glare toward Stephanie


off to a good start, Stephanie knew that as long as

was still feeling smug about

looked at her mother in bewilderment. “Mom, why

done, Stephanie! Are you happy now?” Olivia cried out, feeling even

could reply, Olivia had marched away in

with sadness as he gazed at his daughter. “Stephanie, why did you have to ruin the relationship you have with your brother? Your mother and I have tried so hard to cover this up for you and are even sending you away so you can learn to be independent.

turned and made

all alone in the

to get Amelia out and bring peace back to our family. I just

was treating her but not knowing what else to

Oscar from entering. “Mr. Clinton, I think it’d

frowned as he replied,

has done, do you think

Deep down, he

I won’t persuade her to leave you.


I do care about her. The only reason I didn’t tell her the truth was so she

and reassured him

taking another look inside the room, Oscar sighed and walked away

closed the door and gingerly made her way toward her friend. Ever since stepping into the

as she tried to comfort Amelia. “Babe, cheer up. It’s Tony’s welcome baby party today. Let’s not imagine things,

hired someone to knock me down and almost caused me to miscarry. I’ve always told myself to put up with her tantrums, but who knew she’d go to such extremes? Even just talking about it makes me shudder. How can

tight hug and

overthink it. It’s her

can’t get over this. Even if she’s Oscar’s sister, there’s no way I can forgive her. And neither can I stop this growing hatred I have for her. Tony and I barely made it out of the accident, yet the Clintons are still protecting her unconditionally. If we had died, would Stephanie still be able to get away

say things like that. You and Tony are

how hard Amelia tried, she couldn’t even manage a

think Oscar values more? Tony and I,

would one save if one’s mother and lover fell into the water at

sound simple, but it had

ask such a question,” Tiffany teased, trying to lighten the mood. Alas, Amelia fell to her

wiped the tears off Amelia’s face and tried to calm her down. “Amelia, why are you crying? It’s not worth wasting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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