Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 218

Chapter 218 Leaving Home

Because of Stephanie’s foolhardiness, many people had difficulty falling asleep that night. Tiffany and Amelia ended up sleeping in the guest room that the Clintons had prepared for Tiffany. Oscar, on the other hand, stood outside the guest room like a lovesick puppy. When Olivia came out of her room from not being able to sleep, she felt a twinge of sadness at the sight of her son.

“Oscar, why aren’t you sleeping yet?”

“I just felt like being close to her,” Oscar whispered.

Olivia stared at the door to the guest room as mixed emotions began to well up inside her.

She had chosen to cover up for Stephanie out of a mother’s love for their children. However, she had never expected things to take such an ugly turn. Now that her daughter and daughter-in-law were at loggerheads, their family could never find peace again.

If Olivia hadn’t always treated Amelia as her own, she wouldn’t be feeling so conflicted now. What made it worse was that the matter had even caused a rift between Oscar and Amelia. However, Olivia did understand why Amelia had gotten so angry, especially after what had happened to Tony. After all, it was only natural for a mother to protect her child. If someone wanted to kill Olivia’s child, she’d have fought it out with them.

“Oscar, I’m sorry. It’s all because I didn’t think this through well enough that led to Amelia misunderstanding you.”

Oscar merely shook his head sadly, not saying anything else.

“It’s getting late. Why don’t you go back to sleep? Let Amelia think it over tonight, and we can talk again tomorrow.”

Oscar remained frozen in his spot, not wanting to move nor say a word.

At that, Olivia’s heart ached even more.

Olivia knew her son well. Even though Oscar might look cold and distant on the outside, he was a sentimental man. Once he fell in love, he’d love fiercely and unapologetically. That was the case with Cassie in the past. But now, Olivia wouldn’t be surprised if he loved Amelia more than he did with Cassie.

As a mother, all Olivia ever wanted was to see her son and daughter-in-law live happily ever after. Knowing that she was to blame for their rift made her feel all the more upset and awful.

“Oscar, please, don’t be like this. Amelia’s a good girl. She’ll come to understand the reasons for your actions. Go to bed for now. You can explain things to her tomorrow. If you continue being like this, I’m going to be worried sick.”

Since his mother had put it that way, Oscar eventually gave in and returned to his room.

Olivia let out a long sigh before making her way back to her room. “What took you so long?” Owen asked, still awake and waiting in bed.

After climbing into bed to join Owen, Olivia leaned against his chest and said despondently, “Dear, I think Oscar is head over heels in love with Amelia. And it warms my heart to see him happy with her. But now with Stephanie… I’m afraid the rift between Stephanie and Amelia can never be fixed.

“Don’t worry. Amelia’s a considerate girl. I’m sure if we give her some time, she’ll eventually understand.”

After all, that’s all we can do for now.

hours, Olivia finally fell asleep at five in the morning. Amelia had also found sleep to be impossible as she stared blankly at the ceiling. She had briefly overheard

he had so readily forgiven the murderer who had almost killed Tony and herself. As

daybreak when Amelia finally drifted off to sleep. When she woke up before eight in the morning, Tiffany’s

was getting out of

“Babe, you’re up?”

the lack of sleep. Ever since the accident, her body’s immunity had been drastically affected. Added to that, she had also just given birth to Tony then. Yet, she had to stay in the hospital to recover and recuperate. Even though the hospital was well-equipped, nothing could beat being able to rest at home. After that ordeal, whenever Amelia didn’t get

Tiffany walked over to

look awful. Did you stay

use more force? My head hurts

a few ribs during the accident. It’s

her headache, Amelia could only let out

continued to

Amelia, Ms. Winters, are you awake? Mrs. Clinton wants me to let you know

We’ll be down in a bit,” Tiffany

a while, Tiffany put her hands down and asked, “How’s the headache? Is it

smiled. “Tiff, thank you so

to prepare ourselves for an upcoming battle,” Tiffany replied with a nonchalant

up in the bathroom, Amelia put on a simple but

really can pull off anything you wear. I realize how good white looks on you. It makes you look so

praise, Amelia just smiled

see that smile on your face. Don’t look so

she made her way

into her breakfast. Despite that, Tiffany

the lead and beckoned over one of the maids. “Can you please pack a few sets of clothes for Amelia and

the maid looked hesitantly at Olivia, not daring

asked, “What’s this about, Tiff? Why are

who doesn’t particularly like Amelia. If the mother and son continue to stay here, who’s to know if that person might strangle Tony in a fit of anger? So, to be safe, I’d like Amelia and Tony away

Olivia’s face instantly fell.

out by Tiffany and stood up angrily. “Who are

Tiffany replied flatly with a shrug.

blow her top at any moment as her

firmly, “Stephanie, you can leave once you’ve finished your breakfast. I’ll get the chauffeur to send you to your office. Also, don’t bother coming back

more infuriated as she pointed at Amelia. “Mom, you’re chasing me away because of

had been standing by. “Norton, please see Ms.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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