Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 220

Chapter 220 Disappointed

Tony was so well-behaved and quiet in Kurt’s arms that Tiffany couldn’t help but be impressed. With two thumbs up, she said, “What power you have, Kurt. Tony stopped wailing as soon as you got here. Not only can you be the male lead in an action film, but you’re also Tony’s future nanny. Congratulations! You’ve found yourself another job on top of being a bodyguard!”

Kurt’s lips twitched, still saying nothing.

Amelia tugged at Tiffany’s shirt, beckoning for her to stop spouting nonsense. Jokes were only appropriate in front of friends and family, not strangers like Kurt.

“Kurt, what are you doing here?” Amelia quizzed.

“Ma’am, I’m in charge of your protection now. I’ll follow you wherever you go,” Kurt replied solemnly.

Amelia flinched at the way Kurt greeted her. It was something she could never get used to, no matter how many times she had heard it.

“Kurt, please call me Amelia. I feel awkward being spoken to like that.”

Kurt gently patted Tony’s back before replying, “Yes, ma’am.”

Tiffany raised her hand and patted Kurt on his back. “Hey, Kurt, take it easy. You’re about the same age as Amelia, so calling her ma’am makes her sound like a princess from some faraway land. Call her by her name. It’s more natural like that.”

Kurt merely nodded.

After that, Tiffany instructed Kurt to carry Tony into the bedroom and placed him on the bed.

Seeing the smile on Tony’s face, Tiffany couldn’t help but chuckle. “Oh, Tony. You didn’t like it when two pretty ladies carried you, but here you are, smiling so gleefully after being carried by a handsome guy. Let me warn you now, you better not treat future ladies in your life like that. Otherwise, don’t blame me for smacking you.”

Kurt couldn’t stop his lips from twitching. This woman really says the darndest things.

Amelia, on the other hand, couldn’t stop laughing. “Stop it, Tiff! You’re so full of sh*t.”

Tiffany shrugged as she continued to play with Tony. “Kurt, you’re now Amelia’s bodyguard, aren’t you? You’ll listen to everything she says then?”

Despite having a sneaking suspicion that Tiffany was up to no good, Kurt nodded.

Tiffany snapped her fingers in glee and said, “Good! We have just the thing for you to do now. I have here a list of things that Tony needs. Can you get them for us? Have a look and let me know if you have any questions.”

Kurt received the sheet of paper from Tiffany, only to find it filled with words.

“Ok?” Tiffany once again asked.

Kurt nodded before leaving to get started with the errand.

Amelia glanced at Tony before turning toward Tiffany. “Tiff, what did you get Kurt to buy? Ordering him about doesn’t seem very nice, especially when he isn’t all that familiar with us.”

Tiffany shrugged nonchalantly and brushed Amelia off. “It’s not every day that you get a big, strong man to help out with errands. If I don’t get him to do it, then it’s down to us. Are you sure you want that?”

Amelia held her tongue. She hated to admit it, but Tiffany made a lot of sense.

the efficient worker, Kurt returned in less than half an hour with his

about to help him with one of the bags when Kurt moved away from

was listed on the paper,” Kurt said as he placed the bags

up. “Well done,

the compliments, Kurt remained

of response, Tiffany started

helped as Amelia and Tiffany became a lot more

him, not only did he stop crying, but he’d also burst out laughing and flail

of Kurt that she couldn’t help but voice her displeasure. “Hey, Kurt, stop trying to charm Tony with your looks. Tony’s still young and can’t differentiate between handsome and ugly. You better

expressionless as he

Tiffany asked, “By the way, Kurt, are you planning on staying the night in my humble abode? I don’t think that’d be very appropriate, would it?” As innocent as

responsibility to protect

haven’t met any bodyguard who guards this closely,” Tiffany

silent, not

had no choice but to prepare the guest room for him. “Guess what, Kurt? You’re the first man to stay in my humble abode. Careful not to let Oscar know. Otherwise, he might

took a pillow and blanket from the bed and turned to Tiffany. “I’ll take care of Tony. You and ma’am can go to bed. If need be, I don’t mind waking up a few times in

gave Kurt a quizzical look

much to

Tony’s best nanny, Kurt! He’s all yours

Tiffany’s nonsense,

get a good night’s sleep. Earlier on, they were still worried about how they’d get through the night with a wailing infant, yet now it was the most peaceful night. As such, Tony’s mother and godmother slept very soundly in their respective rooms,

Kurt was the bodyguard sent by Oscar. As such, they could trust him with Tony and also

trust in Oscar and believed that he would never cause any

in the morning when Amelia and Tiffany finally woke up. After a quick wash, Amelia came out of

Amelia wanted to help Kurt with the dishes when he took

breakfast for you. Mr. Clinton has instructed that since you’ve

her lips. “You

Kurt nodded.

“D-Did he say anything?”

care of you and make sure you don’t

“Anything else?”

looked at Amelia in confusion, not knowing what else she

her hand. “I’m going to check on

slept through most of the night.

so much. If it weren’t for you, I don’t think Tiffany and

take my orders from you, which makes Mr. Anthony my responsibility too. It’s only right that I help protect and look after

and waved her hands. “Kurt, don’t say that. We’re of equal standing. If you continue saying things like that, I’m going to feel really bad. Oscar sent you here to protect me, but he didn’t ask you

Clinton has complimented my food before. Ma… Amelia, why don’t you give it

his enthusiasm, Amelia had no choice but to

I should

My pay gets wired to

to check on Tony, who was sound asleep and

at her son for a while, Tiffany’s voice— loud and surprised—suddenly rang out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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