Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 219

Chapter 219 Crying Uncontrollably

As Olivia walked Amelia to the car with Tony in her arms, the maids loaded their luggage into the car boot.

Still unable to be at ease, Olivia kept fussing over Amelia. “Amelia, I’ll take this as a short break for you, but please take care of yourself and Tony. Come back as soon as you’ve thought things through. Don’t take too long, though. Otherwise, I’ll be heartbroken.”

Amelia merely nodded in response.

Olivia then turned to Oscar and said, “Come say something to Amelia.”

Ever the thoughtful person, Olivia got everyone to step back to give Oscar and Amelia some privacy.

“Honey, do you really have to go?”

Amelia’s eyes glistened as she lowered her head. “I just want some peace and quiet.”

“If you don’t want to live here, we can always move back to the apartment. We can get Molly to help us with Tony. You don’t have to go to Tiffany’s.”

Amelia sighed before meeting Oscar’s unwavering gaze. “Mr. Clinton, do you still not understand? The problem between us isn’t about that. It’s that whenever I think about how much more you value others over Tony and me, it’s like a stab to my heart. Give me some alone time, and I might get over it in a few days. I no longer want to bury my emotions. It’s too tiring.”

Oscar was about to caress Amelia’s face when she moved away from him.

As his hand hung in mid-air, an awkward silence ensued until Amelia whispered, “I should go now.”

“I can let you stay out for a few days, but I can’t have you overthinking things. I’ve opened my heart to you because that’s how much I want to be with you. Not just for today, but forever. You, me, and Tony, we’re a family. I can’t live without either of you, do you hear me?” Oscar said firmly.

Tears suddenly welled up in Amelia’s eyes as she started to have doubts about her decision. However, whenever she thought about what Stephanie had done and how the Clintons had condoned her, she couldn’t help but find them and their actions loathsome. It was also then that she realized how fragile relationships were.

Amelia averted her gaze from Oscar and replied, “I’m leaving now.”

Amelia finally got into the car and beckoned for Tiffany, who took Tony from Olivia before joining her.

As soon as they were all safely in, the chauffeur drove off.

Oscar stood rooted to the ground, staring wistfully at the car leaving. His expression remained stoic despite the many thoughts running through his head.

Owen patted Oscar on his shoulder in a bid to comfort him. “Give her some time.”

Oscar didn’t respond in any way.

“Let’s go back into the house. We can visit Amelia in a couple of days,” Olivia suggested. “We’ve truly let her down this time, so it’s only understandable that Amelia wants some time alone.”

Owen nodded as Olivia turned her attention toward Oscar.

visit Amelia in a couple of days when she’s in a better mood. When you see

at the office. I’ll be going now.” Right when he finished his words, Oscar got into his car and hurriedly

of hand. Amelia almost lost her trust in us because of what happened

them. “Don’t worry too much. The kids will do just fine

“I hope so.”

Amelia was feeling just as troubled.

alone, and while Olivia had nothing to do with it, she still intentionally covered up for her daughter. That was what infuriated Amelia the most. She was starting to feel a twinge of guilt when the sight of Tony once again reminded her why she

forgive those who had hurt my son without an ounce

aren’t you? It’s good to give one another some time and space to cool down. The Clintons won’t blame you for

with a faint

up in Tiffany’s neighborhood. John opened the doors for them and quickly unloaded

much, John,” Tiffany said politely after

“You’re welcome.”

to take one of the backpacks when Tiffany stopped him. “John, don’t worry about the backpacks. I

them and carrying the suitcases all the way

“Thank you, John.”

help with, Mrs. Clinton? If there isn’t, I’ll be going

Have a safe

John nodded and

downstairs, John

“Has she gone upstairs?”

John nodded.


the time playing with Mr. Anthony and didn’t say much at

right. You can head back first. And don’t tell anyone that I’ve

“Yes, Mr. Clinton.”

car and drove

that John was gone,

dark figure suddenly appeared from

“Mr. Clinton,” Kurt greeted.

Tony well. I don’t want her to be hurt again,” Oscar instructed as

“Got it.”

your boss, and you’ll only take orders from her. If any harm comes

“I, Kurt Alfsen, promise to protect my boss with my life. As long as I’m alive, no harm will

nodded. “One more thing. Don’t let her know

Kurt nodded.

there’s anything she needs help


that Oscar got into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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