Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 287

Chapter 287 A Barrier Between Them

Amelia said nothing until one minute was up. She then opened her eyes wide, though she couldn’t see anything, and answered, “It’s a no from me.”

Stephanie snickered and clapped her hands. “What a pity. I think Oscar will love it when he finds out you’re blind. He’ll pity you, and you won’t have to get a divorce. You’ll stay in our family and endure the staff’s derision and enjoy Oscar’s affection out of pity for you. You’re nothing but a miserable piece of shit,” she declared viciously.

Amelia gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly. Helplessly, she shrieked, “Shut up!”

Stephanie’s laughs merely grew louder.

“Why? Are you getting mad?” Stephanie went to her and continued mocking her as she was still surrounded by darkness. “Amelia, you used to be really arrogant, right? Look at you now. You look like a phoenix who has landed in a chicken coop. After getting your feathers all plucked out, you’re utterly miserable and pathetic.”

Amelia’s entire being was shivering by now.

“Amelia, you have no idea how much I anticipate the scene of Oscar seeing you in this wretched state. But I won’t tell him. Nothing excites me more than you leaving our family in a pathetic state.” Stephanie leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry. I’ll let you leave with Tony. Your son doesn’t deserve to be the Clinton family’s heir. Back when I hired someone to hit you, I never wanted to spare both of you. Nevertheless, you’re lucky enough to survive the accident. You survived the ordeal, but now you’re losing your eyesight. That’s fair.”

Amelia was shaking in anger.

She reached out to give Stephanie a slap, but Stephanie caught her hand midair and shoved her away. As a result, she toppled to the ground helplessly.

Fuming, Amelia declared, “Stephanie, you’re crazy! Things will not end well for you!”

“Kind men die young, but bad guys live a long life. I’m waiting eagerly to see you make a fool out of yourself. Don’t worry, I’ll live a long life,” Stephanie declared before leaving smugly.

Amelia sat on the ground blankly. She’d lose her eyesight for around one hour, but the time dragged on interminably. There was no one around. The Clinton residence was usually bustling with people, but it felt strangely massive now. As she couldn’t see anything, her hearing became sharp. She hoped someone would show up, but at the same time, she didn’t want someone to see her in this miserable state.

Amelia rose to her feet with the plan of leaving this place in the dark. However, no matter how hard she tried, she kept bumping into trees. The branches cut into her skin; yet, she refused to give up and kept running into the surrounding trees.

Without warning, a surprised voice rang out. “Mrs. Clinton, what are you doing?”

Amelia jolted in shock at the voice. She turned in the direction of the voice but couldn’t see anything. “It’s nothing. Did I scare you? I was playing a game about a blind person touching trees. Sounds fun, right? Don’t tell anyone about it. It’s quite embarrassing. Thanks in advance.”

The voice belonging to a female got even more confused. “Mrs. Clinton, I’m right here. Why are you talking to the air?”

Amelia froze, feeling embarrassed. She couldn’t help but panic at the situation.

was just playing around. Don’t take it

are your

“I’m not blind. I’m just fooling around as no one is nearby. Don’t

of light appeared before her. Joy sparkled inside her as she heaved

flashed a pleasant smile and


Ruby giggled in response.

Clinton, you’re really mischievous. You have no idea how shocked I was earlier. You were running around like a

“It was a joke. Don’t tell anyone that I acted that way. Take this as a little secret between

Ruby nodded obediently.

to work,

Although she lost her eyesight for an hour, it already felt like an eternity to

if she claimed that Stephanie’s teasing remarks, sneers, and threats didn’t make her upset, nervous, and terrified her. Every word that Stephanie said cut

which was an exact portrayal of her heart, Amelia rubbed her hands slowly. Her unstable emotions had given her an awful headache. As her head was buzzing, she couldn’t really

Clinton residence, she was lucky enough not to run into Olivia and the others. She went upstairs and returned to

a few hours. She didn’t even realize Oscar had entered the bedroom. The man came to a stop before her. He was about to call her name when his gaze landed on her arm. His expression tensed up immediately

your arm?” Oscar demanded, trying

pulled back to reality by his question. She looked

her arm. Though he wore a

her arm and looked at Oscar absentmindedly.

Oscar softened his voice as he was afraid of startling her. “How did

but Oscar refused to release his

did you hurt your arm?” Oscar demanded

answered, “I scraped myself against

stared at her resolutely. “Tell me the truth. Otherwise, I’ll send someone to

softened her tone. “I’m fine, Oscar. Please stop

look in Oscar’s eyes

the end, he released her and went

tried to struggle out of his reach. He parted his lips to warn, “Don’t


straight face and applied

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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